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    I struggle when it comes to difficult questions. Sometimes, it is better not to ask. I continue to support and think of Coach Tom Gravish and his Jersey Shore Bulldogs. They have handled every curveball with class. It is hard to even comprehend. Words cannot describe how proud I am of this 2023 squad. I

  • Fall Mushroom Hunting0

    I know we are all caught up in deer hunting and fall turkey hunting, but fall is also a great time for gathering wild mushrooms. No, it’s not as exciting as nailing a big buck or calling in a nice gobbler, but collecting and preparing the right wild mushrooms can be very gratifying come mealtime.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Do Your Own Processing0

    A well-placed shot and careful field care of a deer are critical first steps to ensure great-tasting venison for the dinner table. Most will agree that quickly skinning the deer will aid in cooling the meat, but there is a school of hunters who will leave the hide on while the deer hangs in a

  • Clark & the Hawkeyes0

    It was a bit early for Halloween, but as I flicked by the channels, remote in hand, I thought my eyes must have been deceiving me. Amid a Sunday full of NFL football, soccer, motor cross, drag racing, tennis, cornhole, pickle ball, and even a rodeo available on the TV screen, the Big Ten channel

  • FOOTballer


    I am extremely thankful for ALL of my part-time gigs. It gives me an opportunity to come in contact with so many great kids. Whether it’s coaching, broadcasting, or scribing a note — I have made many friends. This week’s column features a young man that I have watched grow. I am close to his

  • New Digs for Lyco0

    Williamsport’s Brandon Park has hosted many baseball games throughout its long history. Driving by the venerable location these days, if one looks closely, it might be possible to spot the immortal bird Phoenix, which is said to obtain new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor. From the park’s northeast corner, a transformation

  • The Roving Sportsman… Proper Care of Venison0

    How often have you heard someone say that they just don’t like the taste of venison or that they have tried it once but just didn’t care for it? No doubt it was not cooked properly, or worse yet, was not handled properly from the beginning. Over the years, I am pleased to say that

  • Some Big Bucks are Out There

    Some Big Bucks are Out There0

    I remember when I started hunting deer back in the 60s. If we were able to tag a six or eight-point buck with a 16-inch spread, we were off to the taxidermist to get our “trophy” mounted. A lot has changed since those days, not only regarding the size of our deer racks but how

  • Finality of 1620

    It was a private ceremony without any witnesses. In the approaching twilight of October’s first day, the annual ritual was carried out with the solemn resolve that the MLB season had concluded in much the same manner as recent seasons. As an ardent and all too often suffering fan of the Boston Red Sox and

  • Rose Wheeland Memorial

    Rose Wheeland Memorial0

    The circle of life is hard. I no longer subscribe, but I will occasionally look at the obits. Yes. It is tough. My lovely bride always tells me that I should find some friends closer to my age. This past year was rough. We lost so many good chums. Most I knew from golf. I

  • “Tis the Seasons”0

    Moving into the early fall period can be a real dilemma for people like me who love hunting and fishing. Hunting seasons are underway, and some great fishing can still be available. Case in point: I was talking with an avid trout angler recently, and he told me a few weeks back he picked up

  • The Roving Sportsman… Chronic Wasting Disease Updates0

    Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) was first noted in 1967 in research on mule deer herds in Colorado. By the late 1970s, it was recognized in captive facilities in Colorado and Wyoming in mule deer, black-tailed deer, and elk. In 1981, the disease was first identified in the wild in elk in Colorado, followed by mule