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My Fishing is Slow

My Fishing is Slow

Trust all is well, sports fans. I have a few items that need your attention. I told you about a friend who does some underwater snapshots — Michael Kinney of Get Lost Photography. My guy is super talented, and he is planning the ultimate adventure. Michael is hoping to kayak the entire West Branch of the Susquehanna. I do not know the details. But I hear he is heading to the Chesapeake. I will get back to you shortly. He even extended an invitation to tag along. Now, I cannot do the entire trip. But perhaps I will get a few miles in. Stay tuned.

Several of the local ball teams are gearing up. Many Little Leagues have already had their opening day ceremonies. Brr. Yes. The weather has not been ideal. We can’t catch a break with Mother Nature. I applaud all of the coaches, moms, dads, volunteers and umpires. It requires a major village to run a successful program. Kudos to everyone for keeping up with the tradition. Little League Baseball is fantastic. Jensen and I had so many great memories. Teach did, too.

The water is up, and I have not done much fishing.

The Warriors are wrapping up their spring golf, and work continues to be super busy. I am doing my best to tackle Big Jim’s punch list. The two-car garage and fancy outlaw suite are almost finished. Now, my father has not been here in several months, but he continues to send me to-dos. I am trying. Jensen has been a great help in hanging crooked drywall in the basement. YouTube certified.

I do remember where we were four years ago. Yes. It was all a blur. The entire Commonwealth was on lockdown. It caused quite a stir. Governor Tom was faced with an unprecedented situation. Everything was closed. Unless you needed groceries, lottery tickets, and ammo. You were gold. I was OK with not being essential back then. I got to hang out at home. Jensen and I spent a lot of quality time together. It was grand. I played Mr. Mom. I helped him with his online schoolwork and served him lunch. We fished every day. I am not kidding. 37 straight. I get goosebumps when the photos turn up on Timehop. Yes. Those were the best. I could use another lockdown. Now, I have to bribe my son just to head out to fish.

The unpredictable weather has made things tough. The high water and severe cold have me staying home. I am not as crazy as I once was, but there will be a day when it warms. My rods are ready, and I look forward to getting back. I love seeing all of the photos of the youngsters and their fish. But please be careful when you are out. The water is still cold, and those swift currents are no joke. Use caution. Cheers.