
Latest Issue

  • Rituals & Superstitions0

    Roses are red, violets are blue Don’t forget Valentine’s Day, or shame on you! As February’s mid-point approaches, Valentine’s Day falls on the heels of President’s Day and Ground Hog Day, marking the third ‘celebration’ of the year’s shortest month. At a recent family event on a sunny Sunday afternoon, conversation shifted to Punxsutawney Phil’s

  • Pennsylvania Elk Growing in Popularity

    Pennsylvania Elk Growing in Popularity0

    As a kid growing up in the western part of the state, seeing an elk was a pretty rare sighting; sure, we had a small number roaming around not far from DuBois, but I’m sure most of us never expected to see what’s now roaming northern Pennsylvania today. Years ago, there was no such thing

  • The Roving Sportsman… Stepping Up to the Plate0

    It becomes increasingly apparent with each passing day that anti-hunters will do whatever it takes to stop all hunting everywhere and forever. Their efforts are relentless and will only increase over time. They are definitely in it for the long haul. Examples of their efforts are cropping up all across the nation, and while one

  • Welcoming Wiser’s 50th0

    Nineteenth-century French journalist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Kerr is credited with saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Apparently, Lycoming College has bought in. The school has announced plans to recognize 1974 graduate and longtime football coach Steve Wiser for reaching the career milestone of 50 years coaching Warrior football by naming the

  • Frozen Lines0

    Punxsutawney Phil was a no show. I guess that means it will be an early spring. Sign me up. The weather has been quite unpredictable. We haven’t experienced much cold. I was hoping to get out for some ice fishing, but the conditions drastically changed. I had to bail on my Amish friends. They didn’t

  • Environmental Education Expo0

    I suspect most locals are aware of what the Montour Preserve has to offer in the way of outdoor recreation: – A lake for boating and angling – Picnic areas, – Hiking trails, – A great nature center loaded with wildlife mounts and exhibits. The 640-acre nature preserve, a part of the former PPL power

  • The Roving Sportsman… Teaching Proper Hunting and Firearm Safety, Part II0

    First and foremost, always stress the four universal rules of firearm safety: – Treat any firearm as if it is loaded. – Practice muzzle control. – Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. – Always be sure of your target and the area around and beyond it. These are the critical rules

  • Home Field0

    With the winners of the NFL championship games determined, the debate will rage on for the next twelve days as to which team will emerge from Las Vegas as the 2024 Super Bowl champ. Both opinions and money will flow freely as it is estimated between 20 & 25 billion dollars will be wagered on

  • Snow Days

    Snow Days0

    I received a notification. Williamsport Area is on a two-hour delay. I knocked on Jensen’s door. He was already stirring. It was 6:00 a.m. I gave him the news, and he went back to bed. There was a new update a few minutes later. Williamsport Area is now REMOTE. We were in a sudden panic.

  • Ice Fishing Finally Underway0

    Finally, some of my “hard water” fishing buddies and I were able to get out on a lake this past week and put some crappies and bluegills on ice. There is no doubt that more and more people are getting into ice fishing, and its popularity has obviously grown over the years, as evidenced by

  • The Roving Sportsman… Teaching Proper Hunting and Firearm Safety0

    Any long-time hunter or gun owner has an inherent obligation to pass on his knowledge to an upcoming hunter or firearm enthusiast — whether they are a young person such as a son, daughter, grandchild, or neighborhood acquaintance or perhaps an adult who has become interested in hunting or gun ownership. It is critical to

  • My Man Alonzo Rice0

    Do you miss coaching? This is a question that I often entertain. Whether I am at work or Wegmans, the answer is very clear. No. But there are certain aspects that I will always crave. Not being able to interact with my guys remains a major void. Building relationships with my players was what it