
Latest Issue

  • Getting Into Fly-Fishing0

    Over the past couple of years, I’ve had more and more people talk to me about getting into fly-fishing, and it certainly appears that it is growing in popularity. One of the concerns that I hear from those who want to start fly-fishing involves the difficulty in learning to properly cast a fly. There is

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wild Turkey Is Excellent Table Fare0

    There are multiple ways to honor this “Greatest of Game Birds,” and one of them is to maximize its use at the dinner table. So, as you sit patiently in your turkey blind or against an old oak tree, eagerly anticipating an encounter with a wise old gobbler, here are a few thoughts to contemplate.

  • Road Warriors Come Home

    Road Warriors Come Home0

    An ariel view of Lyco’s new field. (Photo courtesy of Deluxe Athletics.) Mets manager Yogi Berra coined the phrase “it ain’t over till it’s over” when referencing the 1973 National League pennate race. Now that Lycoming College has finally had the opportunity to christen its new Brandon Park field, Warriors head coach Rick Oliveri couldn’t

  • The Dry Fly Buzz

    The Dry Fly Buzz0

    Special thanks to the readers of Webb Weekly. I am still amazed at how many folks will turn to this page. I ran into two people last week — totally random — one at Wegmans and one at work. Their kind words meant the world. I always get excited when someone recognizes me from this

  • The Roving Sportsman… Honoring the “King of Game Birds”0

    For dedicated spring gobbler hunters, the Pennsylvania spring gobbler season is just a few more restless nights away! Preseason scouting indicates that this should be a really good year to bag one of nature’s greatest game birds. Before you head to the woods, there are a few things you should give some thought to. Most

  • Some Thoughts on Spring Gobbler Hunting0

    Spring turkey hunting is upon us. The youth spring turkey hunt was on April 27th, and the statewide spring turkey hunt runs from May 4-31. Bear in mind, however, that the legal hunting hours change midway through the season. From May 4-18, hunting begins one-half hour before sunrise and ends at noon; hunters should be

  • Pitching Woes0

    Have you taken note? The cover date of this week’s Webb Weekly is 042424. There might be lucky numbers in there somewhere — but if there aren’t, don’t blame me! Speaking of numbers, fans who have recently attended South Williamsport baseball home games at the recreational complex have been greeted by a new scoreboard beyond

  • My Fishing is Slow

    My Fishing is Slow0

    Trust all is well, sports fans. I have a few items that need your attention. I told you about a friend who does some underwater snapshots — Michael Kinney of Get Lost Photography. My guy is super talented, and he is planning the ultimate adventure. Michael is hoping to kayak the entire West Branch of

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Three “Ps” of Successful Turkey Hunting0

    Over the years, we have often heard that the three most important factors in real estate are location, location, and location. Recently, a television ad for an insurance company explains that the most important “three Ps” regarding insurance are price, price, and price! When it comes to hunting wild turkeys, it can be said that

  • Updates From Recent PA Game Commission Meeting0

    One of the topics discussed at the recent PA Game Commission meeting was the possible reintroduction of martens back into Pennsylvania. A marten is a weasel-like furbearer ranging in length from 19-27 inches and weighing 1-3 pounds. They have brownish-black hair down the back and tail with a yellowish-orange bib on the throat that can

  • Fore0

    While April Fool’s got this month started, it didn’t take long for its first two weeks to make a memorable positive mark on the sports calendar. Major League Baseball began on a high note for fans of the New York Yankees and Pittsburgh Pirates; UConn and South Carolina proved without a doubt they are the

  • Trout Season in Full Swing0

    Another trout season is underway, and I still enjoy getting out on a stream, even though I’ve been trout fishing for over sixty years now. Over all those years, I’ve had a chance to fish with an assortment of equipment, lures, and baits. Like a lot of kids, I started with worms and a bobber