
Latest Issue

  • Umpiring U0

    With the Christmas holiday fast approaching the talk around many family gatherings will include education plans for the teenagers approaching high school graduation and adulthood. When that question has been asked of South Williamsport’s Bryce Brewer, his response throws most people a curve. A few days after unwrapping Christmas gifts the 2018 South Williamsport graduate

  • Touchdown Jackson

    Touchdown Jackson0

    I need to apologize for the two-week sabbatical. I was at a loss for words, and couldn’t find a pencil. Tis the season boys and girls. No, I didn’t cash in on any Black Friday specials, but I am now well rested. I also have plenty of material for the next couple of months. Sorry

  • The Winter Season is Here!0

    The fall leaves and cool temperatures are giving way to empty trees and temperatures that force most people to rethink trips outside. The winter season is officially upon us, which means the long drives, crafty moves on the soccer pitch, and shifty shots on the tennis court will be moved to the back until next

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prime Time for Coyotes0

    While the late archery deer season and flintlock deer season (December 26 to January 12, 2019) are still ahead for the hearty hunters who have not yet filled their tags and will brave the winter chill, for most of us, the deer season is over. Fear not, as there is still an exciting opportunity to

  • Mike McGarvey Leading Lycoming Hoops0

    Following an outstanding career as a player at Ursinus College, where he was a consecutive two-time All-American and two-time Centennial Conference Player of the Year and eleven years as an assistant basketball coach at Ursinus and Colgate University, Mike McGarvey was named Lycoming College men’s basketball coach this past June. With a non-conference opening mark

  • Making the Adjustments for College Offers Rewarding Experience for Two Lycoming Basketball Players

    Making the Adjustments for College Offers Rewarding Experience for Two Lycoming Basketball Players0

    Most athletes in high school aspire to reach the next level of competition but making that adjustment can be difficult. The game’s pace picks up, and the players seem to get bigger. Despite the challenges, it’s rewarding as an education is likely to come along with the new challenges. As a player at Lewisburg Akilah

  • The Hard Water Cometh0

    I know, there are a lot of people who don’t want to hear about the lakes freezing over because that means bitter cold days, snow that needs to be shoveled, windshields that need to be cleaned, and a whole lot more that comes with winter. To the “walk-on-water crowd” however, the freezing temperatures mean it

  • Make This Season on the Slopes Safe and Successful

    Make This Season on the Slopes Safe and Successful0

    Skiing and snowboarding remain very popular among athletes and outdoor enthusiasts who refuse to be relegated to the couch upon the arrival of winter weather. For the millions of men, women and children who can’t wait to hit the slopes each winter, the thrill of racing down snow-covered mountainsides is a feeling unlike any other.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Tagged Out — Now What?0

    Let’s say that you are one of the lucky hunters who have tagged a bear, or perhaps tagged a buck and/or doe and is now finished trying to obtain wild game for the freezer and dinner table. The bear skin is at the taxidermist to become a rug and your buck’s antlers are being prepared

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Pennsylvania Tradition0

    On this past Monday, more than a million hunters hit Penn’s woods in pursuit of whitetail deer. Schools closed for the day throughout the Commonwealth since a great percentage of students, teachers and staff would, no doubt, have been absent for the day with some variation of “buck fever” or “one-day deer flu”! Being a

  • Bears – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.0

    The statewide archery season and the statewide firearms season for bears in Pennsylvania is now over however we still have the extended season for several days in late November that varies according to the wildlife management unit being hunted. With around 20,000 bears now roaming Pennsylvania’s woodlands your chances of success are pretty reasonable. While

  • Bragalone Ends College Career on High Note0

    As the final seconds ticked off the scoreboard clock, the most-played college rivalry in the nation was about to conclude its 154th game. It was a big deal. It mattered little that the neighboring participants were both bringing down the curtain on disappointing seasons, this was Lehigh and Lafayette and whether you were a Mountain