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  • Squirrel Hunt is Good Training0

    I know archery deer season is just getting underway, and it won’t be long until we are pursuing the rest of the “big three” — bear and turkeys, but you don’t want to overlook the small game potential either. I still do some rabbit hunting, an occasional grouse hunt, and I’m willing to chase after

  • Food Chain Reality0

    It is really nothing new. In the ‘real world,’ it happens a lot. A business goes sour or takes a downhill slide, and changes are made. People lose their jobs, and the business tries to re-group and get back on the right track with new people in charge. Sometimes changes create a momentary spark giving

  • What’s in the Bag?0

    Fall is my favorite time of year, and I successfully teed it up every Friday in September. I’m off to a great start here in October. We are currently approaching the tenth hole of the Williamsport Country Club. The teams and organizations we represent will sometimes vary, but I will almost never pick up the

  • Montoursville FOOTballers

    Montoursville FOOTballers0

    I have nothing but love for Montoursville’s JC Keefer. The Warriors Head Football Coach and I have been friends for a long time. JC is an exceptional leader and a great teacher. He continues to find ways to bring out the best in all of his players. JC has a hard-nosed old school approach and

  • Jim Roth Calling0

    In last week’s column, I expressed the opinion that it would prove interesting to be ‘a fly on the wall’ in those locker rooms of the upcoming opponents on Southern Columbia’s remaining 2019 schedule. The statement was a part of my question as to what does a coach say to his team in the practice

  • The Roving Sportsman… Safety – First and Foremost0

    It happens every year. It happens all too often. And, yet, we never think it will happen to us. Hunting related accidents are simply something that can easily be avoided if we just take a few minutes to use common sense, think things through and not be in an unnecessary rush. Whether it is firearms

  • More Opportunities on Tap for Hunters This Year – The prime time of Pennsylvania fall hunting seasons is just around the corner.0

    Although some hunting seasons are underway, the cooling temperatures and changing leaves signify the best is yet to come. Pennsylvania’s statewide archery deer season begins Saturday, Oct. 5, and its return is prompting the Pennsylvania Game Commission to issue some helpful reminders about new opportunities. Among them are additional early bear seasons and a longer

  • Kick Off Your Fall Hunting With Some Dove Hunting0

    It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down already; just check the leaves starting to pile up in your yard if you’re still not convinced. I’m not about to put my fishing gear away, but I’m adding hunting gear to my active pile of stuff. For me, hunting season tends to get underway with

  • Bounty of the County0

    I have been blessed to have been able to travel throughout the state and around the globe both during my working years and now in retirement. I am always amazed that when I am away from home, my mind constantly wonders back to Northcentral Pennsylvania – the area of my roots. I feel very fortunate

  • Lycoming County Beagle Club Promotes The Sport of Beagling0

    According to a website dealing with the subject, beagling is a form of hunting rabbits by beagle dogs by scent. It is a sport that is particularly popular in the British Isles. In this country interest is centered in the eastern U.S. Locally, there is an organization involved in this sport called the Lycoming County

  • Some Changes to the Coming Hunting Seasons0

    When it comes to what’s new with hunting this coming year, there are several changes of significance. Of course, the change from a Monday deer opener to a Saturday opener got a lot of attention as well as the usual controversy and some pretty strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Just how this

  • Some Good Bass Fishing Still Ahead

    Some Good Bass Fishing Still Ahead0

    I’ll admit it, as the leaves begin to change color and fall to the ground thoughts of the coming hunting season start to compete for space. That being said it’s also true that as an avid fisherman there is no way I’m putting my fishing gear away for the season; instead, I will find a