
Latest Issue

  • The Roving Sportsman… Venison Recipes0

    If you were one of the lucky hunters who was able to secure some venison this hunting season – congratulations! You are on your way to some tasty and healthy meals for you, your family and friends. But what can you do with this organic, non-GMO, free range red meat to maximize its use as

  • A View from the Striped Shirts0

    As the calendar flips to December this week marks the start of the high school basketball season. The action switches from the outside environs of football stadiums to the smaller indoor gymnasiums. The National Anthem and school fight songs will still be played but perhaps it might be a good idea if a recording of

  • How to Find the Right Dog for Your Family

    How to Find the Right Dog for Your Family0

    Adding a four-legged friend to the family is no small decision, and it’s easy to get distracted by sweet eyes pleading to be taken home. Becoming a dog parent is a major commitment, so it’s important to do your research and make well-informed choices before deciding on a new dog. No matter what stage of

  • Prepare for a Sledding Adventure

    Prepare for a Sledding Adventure0

    Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh … Winter holidays are made all the more merry with the addition of some outdoor recreation. Sleighs and sleds are par for the Christmas course, especially when a bounty of snow is in the forecast. Sledding has been part of snowy celebrations for ages. Sledding is

  • Could This Be a Record Bear Season?

    Could This Be a Record Bear Season?0

    It’s too soon to tell yet since all of the bear seasons are not over, but we could be headed for a record harvest or at the least an outstanding year. For some, it’s already been an outstanding year, especially for Reuben Kennel, who this past week dropped a 620-pound black bear with one shot

  • Thanksgiving Scramble0

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of the great readers of Webb Weekly. Early deadline this week, and my lovely editor just yelled. I am a part-time mobile scribe that already excels at procrastination. I am now scrambling and desperately need to find a new hideout. The usual stop in Wegmans has too many distractions. I decided

  • Food & Football

    Food & Football0

    H olidays arrive throughout the year, some of them we hold quite dear A ttempts have been made to move some to Monday, so they fall the day after Sunday P erhaps three-day weekends are the best, but they don’t define the holiday test P eople should remember what holidays are for, keeping in mind

  • Changing Deer Seasons

    Changing Deer Seasons0

    I guess it’s a sign that I’m getting older, but it seems like things are always changing. Prices have changed, how we shop has changed, society has changed, and even deer seasons have changed. Gas is no longer 29¢ a gallon; we buy online instead of going to the mall; if you wear a red

  • The Roving Sportsman… Reflections0

    Thanksgiving weekend is recognized as the most heavily traveled weekend of the year. It is a fact, as thousands upon thousands of people all across our state and across the nation will fly or drive to meet up with friends and relatives to share some quality time together. There will be football, lots of food

  • The Roving Sportsman… Five Tips for Tasty Venison0

    In a little over one week, one of the largest “civilian armies” in all of the United States will go forth with one mission in mind — to enter the woods and fields of Pennsylvania in search of a whitetail deer that will produce some very tasty meals for family and friends. This year for

  • Steelhead Fishing0

    Now that winter has made its appearance in central Pennsylvania, even the diehard trout fishermen have shelved their trout tackle until next spring. If you don’t mind a little road trip, however, you can still get in on some fantastic trout fishing; more specifically, I’m talking about steelhead fishing in the Lake Erie tributaries. Several

  • A New Dugout for Waller0

    The sound was unmistakable. If you heard it once, you’ve never forgotten it. Indeed, I had heard it many, many times. The sound of a baseball coming off a bat in the acoustically challenged, antiquated gymnasium of South Williamsport’s Rommelt Building is like no other. As I approached the gym doors, an accompanying sound was