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  • The Roving Sportsman… Tree Stand Options and Safety0

    The statewide archery antlered and antlerless deer season opens in just over three weeks (Saturday, October 5, to be exact), and as the season progresses and nears that “magical” time of the rut, bowhunters will be spending an increasing amount of time in the woods. While hunting from the ground or in a ground blind

  • The Roving Sportsman … Don’t Let It Be You!0

    Tragically, every year, as the hunting season gets underway and the “army” of Pennsylvania hunters hits the woods, unpleasant discoveries are made. As these hunters travel deeper into the woods than normal in pursuit of small or big game, the chances are all too real that they may come across a hiker or camper who

  • Deer Hunting in Pennsylvania0

    Needless to say, as we begin to move into fall months, Pennsylvania deer hunters are seriously starting to scrutinize the woods and fields around them in hopes of seeing some nice deer racks. I’ll confess that anytime I go anywhere, I’m on the lookout for deer, turkeys, and any other game I can see as

  • Peeping Caddis

    Peeping Caddis0

    Thankfully, school has started. Jensen and Teach are off and running. We enjoyed another fantastic summer. It was capped off with another splendid Little League World Series. A walk-off bunt? You must be kidding. Our addition is mostly finished. But I still have a major punch list. I pulled the trigger on some new knee

  • Cutters Chase Championship0

    Hall of Fame pitcher Satchel Paige once said, “You win a few, you lose a few. Some get rained out. But you get to dress for all of them.” Paige’s statement succinctly describes the Williamsport Crosscutters 2024 season. After outdistancing the MLB Draft League field and winning the league’s first-half championship, the Crosscutters fell in

  • My Radio Guys

    My Radio Guys0

    Much has changed since the very first Little League World Series. The national exposure these boys and girls receive nowadays is insane. ESPN and its affiliates not only cover the entire tournament but are now televising most, if not all, of the regional games. Don’t get me wrong, folks. I am loving every moment, and

  • Aloha0

    As we watched the games of this year’s Little League World Series unfold from our iHeart Media broadcast location, partner Ken Sawyer often commented favorably on the dedication of the volunteer managers and coaches and their efforts in leading their teams to Williamsport. While the Series itself is a ten-day 24-7 commitment, the time spent

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Doe Harvest Debate0

    It was over 70 years ago that I first set foot in the woods of Northcentral Pennsylvania and began a lifelong pursuit of hunting everything our state had to offer — from grouse and squirrels to black bears and whitetail deer. In the 1950s, the generally accepted philosophy when it came to harvesting does was

  • Fishing Deep0

    The other morning, while having coffee, the subject of fishing deep came up. Now, I know that it’s hard to believe that something involving fishing would come up with a bunch of guys having morning coffee, but it does happen from time to time. One of the guys just returned from a few days of

  • Great Read for Baseball-Lovers: Daniel Okrent’s “Nine Innings”0

    ’Tis the season — Little League World Series season, to be precise: that time of year when local writers and sports fans love to reflect on America’s favorite pastime. But despite a generous schedule of games in those lovely Southside stadiums, one can’t spend all one’s time at the ballpark. (I know, I know; if

  • Community


    Much love to those who are in town for the Little League World Series. The games are underway, and I continue to marvel at those smiling faces. Jensen is older, so we might not make it over to Lamade and Volunteer, but our televisions are tuned in to ESPN. I also want to give some

  • Maybe Some Trout Fishing0

    Obviously, the recent weather pattern has had no mercy on those of us who want to pursue a little fishing. You might be alright on a lake, but the streams and the Susquehanna River need some time to recuperate. I spent the latter part of last week at a cabin on the banks of Kettle