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  • Gaining a Better Understanding of Fishers0

    Those of us who are heavily involved in the outdoors usually have a great interest in wildlife in general and not just the various species we pursue. I know I’m always trying to gain a better understanding of all wildlife and I’m especially interested in the science of what makes various creatures behave the way

  • Early Season River Bass0

    I’d be the first to admit, and I don’t have all the answers when it comes to bass fishing. I’ve had my share of great days on the water, but I have also had some less than stellar days. I tend to approach river bass fishing a bit different than my approach to bass fishing

  • Trout Season is Not Over Yet0

    With the catch and immediate release of the bass season now over, and the regular bass season now underway many fishermen have turned their attention to bass rather than trout. There’s no doubt that April is big for trout and May still attracts a pretty good number of trout anglers, but by June trout fishing

  • It’s Not Fair0

    We seem to be hearing that phrase a lot these days, “It’s not fair.” I even hear that same suggestion in the world of hunting and fishing. Let me explain. I recently read something in an outdoor publication that I find kind of annoying. In a letter to the editor, the writer said it wasn’t

  • Late Season Gobbler Success

    Late Season Gobbler Success0

    While success came late in this spring’s gobbler season, it certainly came early in my granddaughter’s turkey hunting career. With the season winding down, my granddaughter, Sierra Hornberger, just bagged her first gobbler last Wednesday afternoon. Sierra, now 21, has only ever hunted spring gobblers a couple of other times. Several years ago I called

  • Spoons – More “Heavy Metal”0

    With fishing season now pretty much in full swing, I’ve been trying to look at various lures and some different approaches to successful fishing outings. This past week, we analyzed the attributes of the various metal spinners available to fishermen, but in this week’s piece, I want to take a closer look at spoons. To


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