
Latest Issue

  • SuperStars: A Group Fitness Program For Those of Diverse Abilities and Special Needs0

    In his inaugural address, John F. Kennedy said, “God’s work must truly be our own.” One Montoursville woman and at least six volunteers that include her two daughters, take this directive seriously. Together for the past ten years, they have been bringing the concept of physical fitness, wellness, and increased self-esteem to individuals with diverse

  • County Hall Corner: Simple Civility0

    After the past Lycoming County Commissioner Meetings in July, I was tempted to ask Jim Webb Jr. for hazardous duty pay. The temperature of the meeting room has certainly been steadily rising, and not just due to the weather. Since we now live in a time that forgets how to practice simple civility, I wish

  • Robert C. Grier: Williamsport’s U.S. Supreme Court Justice0

    The 2019-2020 term of the United States Supreme Court has been one of the most controversial and memorable in the history of the Court. These developments shine the light of the public’s interest on the Supreme Court, but almost no one knows that there was once a Lycoming County resident on the nation’s highest tribunal

  • Brown Library Participates in Virtual ‘Big Library Read’ Digital Book Club0

    The James V. Brown Library is joining others libraries around the globe in encouraging patrons to read a historical fiction thriller e-book and audiobook during Big Library Read, the world’s largest digital book club. From August 3-17, readers can borrow and read Tim Mason’s “intellectually stimulating and viscerally exciting” The Darwin Affair from their public

  • This Week’s LION: Caretakers of the Williamsport Cemetery

    This Week’s LION: Caretakers of the Williamsport Cemetery0

    There are cemeteries in our country that are genuinely moving to visit. Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia is the location of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as well as the burial place of President John F. Kennedy. Gettysburg Cemetery has a spot where Abraham Lincoln delivered the greatest speech in American history, known as

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 21, 1917 – Draft Summons Men for Duty0

    The absorbing topic yesterday was the draft which was being made in Washington yesterday afternoon and which found its reflection in the city in the long list of numbers that were posted over the press wires and were posted on the bulletin board as they were received. It was a serious day and its seriousness

  • Gazette and Bulletin0

    July 12, 1940 Preparing to Expand Plane Training Here Expansion of the aviation training program through the vocational education department of the Williamsport School District moved a step nearer realization through decisions made by Williamsport City Council and the school district. The school board voted last night to purchase the Seth Bennett four-acre tract adjoining

  • County Hall Corner: Who was that Masked Man?0

    Those of us in the senior citizen age range remember well the “Lone Ranger” television show. An ultra-nice itinerant defender of the law with his faithful Indian (Native American) sidekick Tonto, he wore a mask for reasons that, quite frankly, were never exactly clear. Everyone knew it was the Lone Ranger the moment they saw

  • Bob’s Buddies Giveaway Program for Children0

    Charles “Bob” Kieffer had a strong love for children. For many years he served as the Sunday School Superintendent at the Delaware Run Wesleyan Church and referred to the children as “his little buddies.” He and his wife, Brenda, served and cared for and loved children. When he died in 1998, members of the church

  • Keep Calm and Work On! Working remotely in the age of COVID-191

    The Corona Virus has affected all our lifestyles, but it does not need to affect our livelihoods. For the past twenty years, Susquehanna Computer Innovations has provided cutting-edge tech service and solutions for small to medium sized businesses, manufacturing, government, health care, and public safety organizations. The current pandemic has highlighted one area of support

  • CWD Areas Expand – More than 200 additional whitetails have tested positive in the past year0

    The battle to control chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Pennsylvania is expanding into new areas.  The Pennsylvania Game Commission maintains three Disease Management Areas across the state to control CWD. They are geographic regions featuring special rules for hunters and the general public meant to slow the disease’s spread while increasing chances of detecting it.

  • Hiawatha River Cruises Back In Business

    Hiawatha River Cruises Back In Business0

    For almost 40 years, the Hiawatha Riverboat has been plying the local waters of the Susquehanna River from its home at Susquehanna State Park in the city’s west end. The pleasure cruises of this fine craft were in doubt for a while this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, Hiawatha officials from River Valley