
Latest Issue

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  – Once Spoke at Lycoming College

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Once Spoke at Lycoming College0

    Five years before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his immortal “I Have A Dream” speech, he spoke here in Williamsport to students at a chapel service at Clarke Chapel at Lycoming College on April 23, 1958. He was not yet the world-renowned iconic figure that he would later become. He was then head of

  • Donate Blood – Save a Life – National Blood Donor Month0

    As we, thankfully, say goodbye to 2020, it’s time to look forward and see what we can do to make 2021 a better year. COVID doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, but there is something that we can do to help those affected by COVID — donate blood and plasma. Particularly if you have recovered

  • County Hall Corner: The Larry Awards for 20200

    The motion picture industry has its Oscar Awards, the theater industry has its Tony Awards, so it is time that County Hall Corner should have its Larry Awards. Following county government for the past six years, I believe it is time to give some recognition for the amazing jobs that many have performed through unprecedented

  • This Year’s LION: Dennis Gruver: Emergency Coordinator Extraordinaire

    This Year’s LION: Dennis Gruver: Emergency Coordinator Extraordinaire0

    My hopes for the LION column (Leaders in Our Neighborhood) were to make 2020 the Year of the Volunteer, focusing on all the various places that volunteers have faithfully served in our area. Through the year I have highlighted some extraordinary people, but there is one person that I wish to declare my LION of

  • Grit: January 8, 1950 – Little League Becomes Corporate Body0

    The Little League for Boys, a baseball organization that has been growing rapidly and spreading to various sections of the country, has become a corporate body with Founder, Carl E. Stotz of Williamsport as its president, it was announced this week. National headquarters of the organization will be at Williamsport where an executive office and

  • Rick Mahonski – Wrestling Great

    Rick Mahonski – Wrestling Great0

    Though Rick Mahonski’s older brothers, Bob and Bill, wrestled, he did not intend to become a wrestler. In fact, it wasn’t until a 7th-grade gym class with Coach Hank Green that Mahonski seriously considered it. “Coach Green had these unbelievably tall climbing ropes in class, and if you could get to the top, he basically

  • Woodlands Bank Sponsors Students of Lycoming County0

    The Pennsylvania Council on Financial Literacy (PennCFL) provides to all students in grades 3-12 in Pennsylvania a world-class, web-based stock simulation platform and curriculum. Students can learn how to trade all year long by using the whole curriculum, courses, and more, including two ten-week competitions. The competitions are held in the classroom, by county and

  • Area Businesses Stepping Up To Help Central Pennsylvania Food Bank0

    It is an understatement to say that 2020 has been a tough year, particularly because of COVID-19. One organization that has been doing its best to meet the challenges of those is need that has been accelerated by this crazy year has been the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Their capacity to help provide food for

  • Major League Baseball Tries to Right A Historical Wrong By Recognizing the Negro Leagues As Major Leagues0

    Major League Baseball took a welcome and long overdue action two weeks after recognizing the Negro Leagues (1920-1948) and confer on them Major League status. This was a step to right a historical wrong that denied some of the best baseball players in history the opportunity to showcase their awesome talents only because they had

  • Williamsport Sun: January 2, 1924 – Noisy Welcome Give to New Year0

    The new year of 1924 got a noisy start and hearty welcome to Williamsport and old 1923 was blown out and shot out and rung out, and whistled out with the old time gusto. Even the Boreas took a hand in the New Year’s Eve celebration, the wind blowing great guns, swept down upon the

  • Better Luck Next Year0

    If ever we would want a year to end, 2020 is the year. Even Stephen King would not have been able to imagine such a hodgepodge of disasters coming one after the other; a presidential impeachment (remember that?), a pandemic, city riots, an undercount census, major event cancellations, massive economic, social and educational shutdowns, travel

  • Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest – Winners Announced!

    Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest – Winners Announced!0

    The following are the Winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest! Congratulations to all of our winners and many thanks to all of our entrants! We had almost 400 entries this year! You kiddos wore our elves out with judging!! We’d also like to thank all of the people who offered