
Latest Issue

  • Emergency Rental Assistance Program for Lycoming County1

    Renters in need of assistance can now apply for a new program. For Lycoming County residents, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) will be administered by Lycoming-Clinton Counties Commission for Community Action (STEP), Inc. ERAP was established and signed into law on February 5, 2021 and gives the Department of Human Services the authority to

  • How to Raise a Healthy Eater at Every Stage of Childhood

    How to Raise a Healthy Eater at Every Stage of Childhood0

    Daily food choices can have a profound impact on overall health and well-being. Not only do healthy dietary patterns help maintain good health, they also reduce the risk of chronic diseases throughout all stages of life. The United States Department of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025, and nutrition experts agree it is vital to

  • Rare Voodoo Lily on Display at the Taber Museum

    Rare Voodoo Lily on Display at the Taber Museum0

    With its usual display of model trains, Native American artifacts, and materials relating to the logging boom of the 19th century, the Taber Museum is offering a unique display for the connoisseur of smell — the Voodoo Lily. Many of our members and the community at large may remember the sensation caused when we placed

  • Vehicle Maintenance Tasks Drivers Don’t Want to Overlook

    Vehicle Maintenance Tasks Drivers Don’t Want to Overlook0

    Savvy drivers recognize that maintenance is essential to keeping their vehicles running strong for years on end. Such maintenance ensures vehicles are safe to take out on the road, and basic upkeep also protects drivers’ financial investments in their cars and trucks. Drivers who are not mechanically inclined tend to put their vehicles in the

  • Signs Transmission Fluid is Low0

    Vehicles require all sorts of maintenance to operate safely and efficiently. Contrary to popular belief, motorists need not be amateur mechanics to keep their vehicles running strong. Major vehicle repairs are best left to the professionals, but drivers can learn to identify the causes of relatively minor issues that, if left untreated, can cause significant

  • How to Lower the Cost of Auto Insurance0

    Auto insurance is a must-have for drivers. While it might seem hard to believe, as of 2019 there are still some places in the United States where auto insurance is not mandatory. Auto insurance is mandatory in Canada, though each province has its own requirements in terms of the minimum amount of coverage allowable by

  • Little League® Launches ‘Lift Your League’ Virtual Fundraising Campaign0

    For the first time in its more than 80-year history, Little League® International is uniting the fundraising efforts of its local leagues across the United States through a newly launched virtual fundraising campaign known as Lift Your League. Running from March 15-31, 2021, Lift Your League is focused on rallying communities together to provide financial

  • The Sons and Daughters of Erin Have Contributed Greatly to Lycoming County0

    As we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, a great day for the Irish and those who wish they were Irish, it seems as though it would be good to look back and see what the Irish and their descendants have done to help make Williamsport and the rest of Lycoming County such a great place and

  • Williamsport Sun: March 18, 1912 – St. Patrick’s Day Observed0

    Good St. Patrick brought the finest day of the whole of 1912 in his train when he displayed the day March 17 on the calendar yesterday, which was almost mild enough in the afternoon to call out snakes, in these parts at least. Certainly, the spring air brought out quantities of green, some of which

  • County Hall Corner: An Unhappy Anniversary0

    It was on Monday, March 16, 2020, that Governor Wolf told all “non-essential” businesses in Pennsylvania to close for the next two weeks. He stated that without it, Pennsylvania’s health care system would be at risk of being overwhelmed with people sick with the coronavirus. The mandate rollout specified what was considered essential and what

  • Webb Weekly’s Own Scott Lowery Has Coached 700 Junior High Basketball Games0

    Terming it “quite a milestone,” Webb Weekly’s own Scott Lowery recently coached his 700th junior high school basketball game in a career that stretches more than 34 years. He is the South Williamsport Junior High School team coach and has sometimes acted as an assistant for the varsity high school team. We thought it would

  • Project Life Saver Helps to Locate Individuals With Reduced Mental Capacities Who Wander Off0

    The task of searching for wandering or lost individuals with Alzheimer’s, autism, Down syndrome, dementia or other cognitive conditions is a growing and serious responsibility. Without effective procedures and equipment, searches can involve multiple agencies, hundreds of officers, countless man hours and thousands of dollars. More importantly, because time is of the essence, every minute