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  • The History of Flags to be discussed at the Taber Museum0

    The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will be hosting Rudy Mummey at its Coffee Hour on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 10 a.m. He will be discussing the fascinating history of flags. The talk coincides with Veterans Day. The program will be held in the Community Room of the Taber

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Performance Season With ‘70’s Radio Hits0

    There is a new radio station in town that will be “on-air” for one weekend only! The Uptown Music Collective, the area’s premier nonprofit school of music, is set to kick off their 2021-2022 Performance Season at the Community Arts Center by presenting WUMC: FM Radio Hits of the ‘70’s. The show will run on

  • You Had Me at Coached0

    As a new basketball season is quickly upon us, I’ve been reflecting on the coaches I was privileged to have in my basketball career, who had — and some who continue to have — a tremendous impact on my life. One never knows who may enter a young boy’s life and either change his direction

  • County Hall Corner: Looking Forward and Backwards0

    The recent elections around the country, particularly in our region of New Jersey, Virginia, New York, and Pennsylvania, provided some interesting insights about where our country might be going. The polls predicted a shift to the conservative right, which certainly happened. But what was behind it was not necessarily what was making headlines. First, why

  • New Officers, Same Mission: “Hope Marches On” at The Salvation Army of Williamsport0

    The Salvation Army is one of the most beloved and effectual social service agencies anywhere — and locally — that is no exception. As we approach the Christmas season, strongly associated with the Salvation Army, the local “Army” has had a change in leadership, with two individuals determined to continue to do God’s work effectively

  • Muncy Historical Society Hosts Juried Exhibition of Fine Arts Made in Pennsylvania0

    If you enjoy various types of fine arts, particularly those made here in Pennsylvania, then the First United Methodist Church at 206 S. Market Street, Muncy, may be the place for you as the Muncy Historical Society hosts the 15th annual invitational Artists Exhibition and Sale on Friday, November 12, from 5:30 to 9 p.m.,

  • Williamsport Sun: November 4, 1944 – Counting 3,000 GI Votes After November 22 to be Big Task of Commissioners0

    The biggest task that confronts the election board of Lycoming County does not materialize on next Tuesday’s Presidential election day but comes after November 22 when county commissioners must organize as a board and count the GI ballot. At noon today the Registration Bureau was in receipt of about 2,100 servicemen’s ballots, each of which

  • County Hall Corner: Our Looney Language0

    “Why is a raven like a writing desk?” This was a riddle asked by the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll’s classic, Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland. I must admit that I am beginning to wonder if I have not fallen down the rabbit hole with Alice when it comes to the English language. I discovered the

  • Deer Crossing Roads More Frequently0

    With deer becoming increasingly active, and daylight-saving time soon to put more vehicles on the road during the hours when deer move most, the Pennsylvania Game Commission is advising motorists to slow down and stay alert. Deer become more active in autumn with the lead-up to their fall breeding season, commonly referred to as the

  • Happy Halloween…0

    Ghosts and goblins, Spooks galore, Scary witches at your door! Jack-o’-lanterns smiling bright, Wishing you a haunting night! Pssssssst! Hey kids! C’mere! Got something to tell y’all! (Parental figures, please skip down two paragraphs.) OK, are they gone? Good! Alright littles, just a reminder there are multiple nights of trick-or-treating this weekend, so make sure

  • Ghostly and Ghoulish Happenings and Halloween Safety Tips0

    It is that magical and frightful time when the little ghouls and goblins dwell among us to celebrate the Halloween season. There are various Halloween-themed activities that these Halloweeners can participate in. Trick-or-Treat hours are also set for various area municipalities. Locally, some areas are holding trick-or-treating on Halloween, others have chosen to move it

  • Tips to Carve the Perfect Jack-o’-Lantern

    Tips to Carve the Perfect Jack-o’-Lantern0

    Jack-o’-lanterns are one of many indelible symbols of Halloween. It’s hard to pinpoint the precise origins of jack-o’-lanterns, but many historians trace the tradition to 19th century Ireland. In fact, this instantly recognizable staple of Halloween decor actually gets its name from an Irish folktale character named “Stingy Jack.” Jack-o’-lanterns are ubiquitous in October, but