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  • Hyner Lodge Foundation, A Recreational Facility for Veterans To Have Open House Saturday, March 26 0

    Many times, our military veterans who serve our country courageously, may not bear the physical scars of battle. Many may instead, have unseen psychological scars that dog them from things they have seen or experienced during their service. There is an organization and recreational facility called Hyner Lodge in nearby Clinton County, in the area

  • County Hall Corner: Government Windfall – A Wind or a Fall?0

    The abundance of people who spend money on lottery tickets all dream that someday they will be the one to hit it big. Imagine what it would be like to win a million dollars! All your problems would be over, right? According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, one-third of all lottery winners will declare

  • Local Musicians Nominated for Central PA Music Awards0

    Gabe Stillman, an accomplished and popular blues singer is one of the bright lights to have come out of the local music scene in recent years. An indication of Gabe’s talent and how well he is thought of by people in the music world and his fans was his recent nomination for two honors from

  • Williamsport Sun: March 24, 1942 – New City Law Proved Penalties for Black Out Violations Noted Here0

    An ordinance for black outs and air raid protection authorizing Mayor Leo C. Williamson to promulgate necessary orders, rules and regulations was passed on final reading yesterday by Williamsport City Council at a special meeting. This legislation was rushed through yesterday to afford the city legal protection during the test blackout scheduled for this evening

  • Driving Habits That Could Help the Planet0

    Habits can be hard to kick. Many people need a unique catalyst in order to ditch habits they’ve long wanted to put in their rearview mirrors. New Year’s Day is one notable example of a unique event that compels millions of people to make positive changes every year. Though it might not be a cause

  • Signs of Engine Trouble

    Signs of Engine Trouble0

    Without a functioning engine, a car is just an expensive driveway ornament. Engines keep vehicles moving, much in the same way the heart provides oxygen and blood to keep the human body running strong. Modern engines are a mixture of mechanical moveable parts and complex computerized systems. Many different parts work in unison to keep

  • Tips Before Buying New Tires

    Tips Before Buying New Tires0

    Though vehicles can’t function without them, tires are something few drivers think about until something goes wrong. A roadside flat tire or a tire rotation recommendation from a mechanic during a routine oil change appointment may be the only time many drivers give much thought to their tires. That no doubt leads to some confusion

  • Simple Strategies to be a More Efficient Driver

    Simple Strategies to be a More Efficient Driver0

    Drivers likely need no reminder that the cost of fuel is high. In November 2021, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration indicated the average price per gallon of fuel was $3.39. That marked a seven-year high and an increase of $1.29 in just 12 months. The good news for motorists is the EIA anticipated

  • What to Do in the Immediate Aftermath of a Car Accident

    What to Do in the Immediate Aftermath of a Car Accident0

    Car accidents happen every day. Though the World Health Organization reports that approximately 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes, many more people walk away from such accidents relatively unscathed. In such instances, knowing what to do in the immediate aftermath of an accident can help drivers and passengers

  • Three Athletes at Loyalsock Township High School Sign Letters of Intent to Play in the MAC0

    Hannah Winter, Mia Patterson and Mallory Rodarmel from Loyalsock Township High School signed their letters of intent to play in the MAC next year. Hannah Winter plans to play softball at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA, where she will be studying nursing.“Hannah is a talented, hardworking, and humble player that is always looking to improve

  • Once a Coach, Always A Coach0

    Having just finished up about a 3-month stint as an assistant coach in the hugely successful Upward Basketball League, run jointly by Faith United Methodist and Northway Community Church, a big thank you to the Pastors of both Churches for allowing me the opportunity to dip my toes back into the coaching arena after an

  • Grant Opportunity – Apply Now!0

    The Lycoming Law Association Foundation (LLAF) is accepting applications for grants for law- related activities in Lycoming County. The LLAF is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization and its Board of Trustees is made up of eight local attorneys and a federal judge who are members of the Lycoming Law Association. Its mission is to educate the