
Latest Issue

  • New Video Scoreboards and Mets-Phillies Game Highlight 72nd Annual Little League World Series0

    New video scoreboards which will enhance the fans’ viewing experience and a regular season major league baseball game between the New York Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies are among the highlights on tap at the 72nd Annual Little League Baseball World Series to be held here August 16 to 26. With no cost of admission

  • Gazette and Bulletin: August 21, 1948 – Pennsylvania Champs Top Florida in National Finals0

    Lock Haven, Pennsylvania state champions, came up with four runs yesterday in fourth inning yesterday afternoon to gain a 6-5 victory over St. Petersburg, Fla. And cart home the Keds National Little League Tournament crown won last year by Williamsport Maynard. And in the consolation contest, Hammonton, N.J. easily stopped Williamsport Loyalsock 10-1, in a

  • Montoursville Garden Club Celebrates 90 Years

    Montoursville Garden Club Celebrates 90 Years0

    The Montoursville Garden Club recently held its annual flower show. The theme was “Celebrating 90 Years of Flowers” because the garden club is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year. Geri Mertes won “Best of Show” and Judy DeGregorio won the “Sweepstakes”. The categories corresponded to traditional anniversary gifts. Winners of the categories are as follows:

  • 94 Year Old Man Honored As Oldest Boy Scout At Troop 12 100th Reunion

    94 Year Old Man Honored As Oldest Boy Scout At Troop 12 100th Reunion0

    The year was 1936. Franklin Roosevelt defeated Gov. Alf Landon in a landslide in that year’s Presidential Election. Bruno Richard Hauptmann is executed for kidnapping and killing the Lindbergh baby. King Edward VIII abdicates, the Spanish Civil War begins, and it was the year that Howard Cowles became a Boy Scout at Troop 12 at

  • County Hall Corner: Quiet Leadership0

    At the Webb Weekly Christmas Dinner in 2015, Jim Webb Jr. took me aside and said, “Larry, we really like your Leader in Our Neighborhood features, but we would love for you to write more.” I responded, “Sure, but what ‘more’ do you have in mind?” After a number of weeks exploring the pros and

  • Antioch Baptist Church Annual Block Party Slated For Wednesday August 8

    Antioch Baptist Church Annual Block Party Slated For Wednesday August 80

    Antioch Baptist Church’s motto is: “A church in the heart of the community with the community at heart.” It is with this motto in mind that for the past 25 years the church has hosted an annual block party on its grounds at 514 High Street. They will be holding this always widely anticipated event

  • Gazette and Bulletin: August 8, 1928 – Tourists Annually Spend Large Sum for Car Storage0

    Over half a million dollars in cash is left in Williamsport for the storage of cars each year by tourists who spend a night or two here as they are motoring through the county. In addition to this figure the tourists spend another large amount for gasoline, oil, washing of their cars and repair work.

  • County Hall Corner: Two for the Show0

    This is the second half of the County Hall Corner series featuring the personal perspectives of the tenure of the three Lycoming County Commissioners. Last week I featured Jack McKernan, the chairman of the board of commissioners, and this week I will highlight the two remaining commissioners — Rick Mirabito and Tony Mussare. Next week

  • Annual Joel Garrison Children’s Day To be Celebrated Monday August 130

    The annual Joel Garrison Children’s Day celebration is the culmination of activities on all of the City of Williamsport’s playgrounds. This year it will be celebrated on Monday, August 13. The Joel G. Garrison Children’s Day will be celebrated at Memorial Park, West Fourth Street, Williamsport. It will consist of free activities for all community

  • Taber Museum Society Program to Present Afternoon of World War I Era Music0

    The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will host a Society Program on Sunday, August 19, at 1:40 p.m. in its Community Room. The program will feature the River Valley Quintet in a medley of music including well-known tunes by Irving Berlin, John Philip Sousa, Scott Joplin, and George M. Cohan.

  • Uptown Music Collective To Hold Open House For Fall Enrollment0

    On Saturday, August 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. the Uptown Music Collective will be holding an Open House at the school’s facility located at 144 West Third Street in Downtown Williamsport. The facility features eight private lesson suites, two classrooms, two ensemble rooms, a computer lab, a recording studio, video studio, and more. In

  • Family Fun Month0

    August is National Family Fun Month! So this week I’m bringing you lots of fun, family friendly things to do this month. Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, the floodwaters have receded and the Hiawatha is back in the river. Tuesdays in August are family nights on the Hiawatha. Join them for a