
Latest Issue

  • UPMC Physician: Understanding and Dealing with Heartburn0

    Ever wake up from a deep sleep to a burning sensation in your throat? Maybe chronic coughing? We’ve all enjoyed a night out to a nice dinner, maybe pizza, a drink or two, and chocolate for dessert. Then a few hours later, while in bed, maybe regret that decision to have that last piece of

  • UPMC Gastroenterologist: Colonoscopies Save Lives0

    March is Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Awareness Month, and its significance highlights the disease to educate on its effects and inspire acting on life-saving screenings when appropriate. The most common screening for CRC is colonoscopy. About one in 24 people will be affected by CRC in their lifetimes which is why we should make colonoscopies a

  • UPMC Oncologist: When to Start Cancer Screenings0

    The latest data from Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. To help reduce the number of cancer deaths, a wide variety of screenings are used by health care providers across the country. Regular visits with your primary care provider usually

  • UPMC Electrophysiologist: Three Letters That Save Lives — CPR0

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR, is a practice used in emergency situations to help someone when their heart has stopped beating and they are unconscious — a condition known as cardiac arrest, often associated with gasping or no breathing at all. CPR is the act of pushing down on someone’s chest to help pump

  • UPMC Therapist: Relationships and Your Health0

    Positive relationships with family members, friends, and your community are beneficial to your overall health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that social connectedness promotes making healthy choices plus the ability to cope with anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma. Your Social Check-Up Just as you gain a better understanding of your physical

  • What Women Need to Know About Stroke Risks0

    It may not be widely known that women face unique risk factors for stroke throughout their lifetime. Things like pregnancy, preeclampsia and chronic stress can increase the risk for high blood pressure, a leading cause of stroke. Cardiovascular disease, including stroke, is the leading cause of death among women, according to the Centers for Disease

  • Three Steps to Help Pets Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight0

    Pet parents often show love for their pets with food. However, that extra “love” can lead to weight gain, which can increase the risk of developing other medical conditions. More than 50% of pets are overweight, but 90% of pet parents with an overweight pet don’t realize it, according to research from Hill’s Pet Nutrition,

  • UPMC Physician: Know the Signs of Heart Trouble0

    February is National Heart Health Month and a great time to familiarize yourself with the signs of a heart emergency. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one person succumbs to a heart attack every 40 seconds in the United States. Most times, these emergencies happen suddenly. It is vital to take

  • UPMC Expert: Avoiding Common Winter-Related Injuries0

    With shorter days and unpredictable weather, the winter months can be particularly hard on our bodies. Ice and snow, harsh temperatures, and physical strain, particularly heavy lifting, are all part of the northeastern winter experience. Though many people may prefer to stay inside and wait for the outdoor activities until spring, getting some fresh winter

  • UPMC Physician: Understanding BMI0

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity affects almost 42% of United States citizens. Obesity, or having a weight that is higher than what is considered healthy in comparison to one’s height, is determined by a screening tool called Body Mass Index (BMI). This index is widely used to understand if

  • UPMC Expert: Understanding the Thyroid Gland0

    There are many reasons a person may experience fatigue or a general lack of energy and typically the cause is multifactorial. One possible cause to consider is the activity of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck and is responsible for the rate of multiple processes in the

  • UPMC Therapist: Aquatic Therapy Great Option for Low-Impact Recovery0

    Simply put, aquatic physical therapy is the practice of physical therapy in the water. Also known as hydrotherapy, it’s often an effective, evidence-based option to consider as an alternative for people who have trouble exercising due to pain, weakness, and weight-bearing and mobility limitations. The pools used are designed specifically for physical therapy and are