
Latest Issue

  • Enjoy a Safe and Injury Free Summer0

    Summer is in full swing and the nice weather means more opportunities for outdoor fun. Activities like camping, picnicking, hiking, swimming, yard work, and boating all present the potential for serious unintended injuries. It’s important to know how to stay safe and fun while enjoying the great outdoors. Beware of Heat Stroke Avoid strenuous activity

  • Negative Social Media Experiences May Have More Impact than Positive Experiences on Depression0

    Negative experiences on social media carry more weight than positive interactions when it comes to the likelihood of young adults reporting depressive symptoms, according to a new University of Pittsburgh analysis. “We found that positive experiences on social media were not related or only very slightly linked to lower depressive symptoms. However, negative experiences were

  • Hair for Every Age0

    I’m a big advocate for skincare for the sake of both a better appearance and for overall health. However, when it comes to looking your best, an area that may need some attention is north of your face. Yes, the shape, style, and color of your hair can make a huge difference when it comes

  • How to Conserve Water as the Mercury Rises

    How to Conserve Water as the Mercury Rises0

    Conserving natural resources is often so simple that people make some adjustments without affecting their daily lives at all. But sometimes it’s not so easy to conserve. Summer is one time of year when conservation efforts tend to require more sacrifice than normal. Even the most devoted conservationist may find it difficult to conserve water

  • Pools and Lawns Can Get Along0

    Homeowners interested in installing pools in their backyards need not worry about the potential impact of such decisions on surrounding landscapes. According to the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals, there are 10.4 million residential and 309,000 public swimming pools in the United States. Although the average monthly temperatures in Canada are lower than those

  • How to Care for New Piercings0

    Piercings remain popular style statements. Piercings continue to evolve, as do the locations on the face and body where they can be found. Therefore, how people care for them naturally has changed as well. Body jewelry can be beautiful and make a statement, but piercings require aftercare and a certain level of responsibility. Those preparing

  • Healthy Summer Hair Care

    Healthy Summer Hair Care0

    While the sun, pool days and warmer temperatures are often a welcome change come summer, they can be brutal on your hair. It’s important to give your locks some extra love this season. “The sun, sweat and chlorine can fade color fast. Make sure you have the right products to protect your hair,” said Heather

  • Camp Cadet Marches On

    Camp Cadet Marches On0

    • June 20, 2018

    Law enforcement in this country has been taking it on the chin lately as the result of some high visibility, controversial incidents that have been taking place in various parts of the country. In Lycoming County, law enforcement owns a good reputation and the respect of the citizens, this may be the result in part,

  • Why Men Should Get Medical Check-ups0

    There’s a story about a man who was so committed to running his business that he never took time to do anything else. He never went to the doctor. He ignored all the little signs that something might be wrong until his health became so bad that he couldn’t work at all. He lost the

  • How to Save More for Retirement After Age 500

    Whether it’s advice from their parents, a response to television ads urging viewers to save for retirement, or their own financial savvy, many of today’s young professionals recognize the importance of saving for retirement from the moment they receive their first paychecks. But men and women over 50 may not have been so practical, and

  • Retirement Saving Tips for Late Starters

    Retirement Saving Tips for Late Starters0

    Despite countless television ads touting the virtues of retirement planning, it seems many people are not getting the message. According to a survey from, one-third of Americans have nothing saved for retirement. The picture is not any rosier in Canada, where Statistics Canada reports that just 65.2 percent of the country’s 14 million households

  • 24-Year-Old Man Seeks Kidney Donation2

    Most of us take the proper working of our kidneys for granted, but there are those who can’t, they have damaged kidneys that no longer function properly and some of them are in need of a kidney transplant immediately. One of these is 24-year-old Tucker Gordner. Tucker lives in Montgomery with his mom and stepdad,