
Latest Issue

  • Signs of Stress in Children0

    The global pandemic sparked by the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 caught many people off guard. Life changed seemingly overnight, causing a host of unforeseen consequences that people were still confronting months after the pandemic began. The pandemic has proven stressful for many people, and the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions notes that

  • Myth vs Fact: Alcohol’s Effects on the Heart0

    While drinking can be a socially acceptable part of our lives, lifestyle changes and challenges resulting from the pandemic including working from home, kids stuck at home, lack of routine, boredom, and increased uncertainty about the future may have you reaching for a glass of wine or mixed beverage more frequently than before. The truth

  • Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy? Seeking the Right Care0

    Occupational therapy and physical therapy are commonly confused with each other. While, occupational and physical therapy have a lot of similarities including improving quality of life, increasing independence, reducing pain and discomfort, and preventing further injury or injury recurrence, there are also key differences between the two, especially when it comes to their approach to

  • How You Can Help Fight Lyme Disease0

    Fall means it’s time to check for ticks, especially if you have recently spent time outdoors, taking part in activities such as hiking, camping, gardening, dog-walking or more. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to humans via infected ticks. A bull’s-eye rash is one of the hallmarks of the disease, but other

  • Don’t Put Off Essential Cancer Screenings0

    Thanks to earlier detection, more Americans are surviving cancer. That’s why you shouldn’t put off having the screening tests you need. While scheduling a mammogram or colonoscopy may not be top of mind for you right now, screening tests like these can spot cancer before it causes any symptoms. Usually, the sooner cancer is found,

  • Setting Expectations for a Healthy Pregnancy0

    Welcoming a baby into the world is a special lifetime moment. A full-term pregnancy is divided into three trimesters of baby development in the mother’s womb. Each trimester comes with its own hormonal and physiological changes. As a new mom, the education about each trimester prepares you for how the baby affects your body and

  • Understanding the Importance of Sleep0

    According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, sleep is an important part of a person’s daily routine and is essential for many things including health, learning, and mood. Considering that the average person spends approximately a third of their lives sleeping, it stands to reason that sleep is as essential to living

  • Library Offers Back-to-School Resources0

    As the first day of school approaches (or has passed), is your child prepared for the academic year? Libraries across Pennsylvania grow students’ school readiness social, cognitive and emotional skills. The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., offers year-round story times and early literacy programs to help preschoolers with transitioning. The Brown Library’s

  • Six Ways to Prevent Falls Around the House0

    Despite all of the potential hazards around a house — from electrical issues to fire hazards to carbon monoxide — the National Home Security Alliance says that falls are the leading cause of death due to home accidents. Falls are responsible for one-third of all home-related fatalities. Although seniors are the group most affected by

  • Who is Most Vulnerable to Osteoporosis?0

    Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and quality of bones are reduced. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, age and gender are two of the fixed risk factors for osteoporosis. Fixed risks factors are things that cannot be changed, and the IOF notes the importance of being aware of these factors. Awareness of

  • How to Avoid Drug Interactions0

    Hundreds of millions of people across the globe rely on medications for their survival. In fact, the percentage of people using prescription medications may surprise people who work outside the health care industry. According to the National Center for Health Statistics’ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-16, nearly 46 percent of the population of

  • Tips for Planting Fall Vegetables0

    Tending to backyard vegetable gardens can fill many hours of enjoyable downtime in the great outdoors. What’s more, the bounty produced by such gardens provides healthy, fresh foods to gardeners and their loved ones. Although spring and summer are widely seen as the peak of gardening season, the mild temperatures of autumn can be a