
Latest Issue

  • Autumn Outdoor Life and Liberty0

    What an absolutely amazing time of year to enjoy our home area of Penn’s Woods, “Hunting, fishing and loving every day” as country artist Luke Bryan sings it. “It’s the prayer a country boy prays” and no words ring truer as autumn and the beginning of the PA hunting season are upon us. It is

  • Taking a Knee on America0

    “Would you please rise in honor of America for the playing of our National Anthem?” Then you look and find the American Flag, either being presented by the color guard or flying above the stadium. You stand at attention, removing your hat if you are wearing one; maybe you place the hat or your empty

  • What We Can Never Forget0

    I can remember that bright blue sky and early sunshine like it was only yesterday. It could not have been a more beautiful late summer morning. As I started the workweek, Imus in the morning was on the radio; the first report on the show was that a small aircraft had flown into one of

  • A Difficult Situation0

    What a great break from reality and turmoil our great area has offered the last couple of weeks. Tip of my Little League cap to Mr. Steve Keener and all his troops up on The Hill – what a fantastic Series! Also to all the volunteers that make the Little League World Series so special.

  • A Grand Slam Effort0

    Many of you have been reaching out to me about current events going on here at home, in Washington and of course in regarding Mr. Trump and Ms. Hillary. I’m taking a little break from that energy draining reality to enjoy all the good going on here in our little corner of Penn’s Woods. No

  • Revitalized and Vaporized0

    Summer just goes by way too fast. I can’t believe the calendar reads August! Before month’s end the kiddies will be back in school, football will be in full swing and another Little League World Series will be in the books. Just a thought for you. If the everyday grind and rigors of life have

  • Field of Dreams0

    The West Virginia Bears were in town last week to play some baseball against our hometown Crosscutters. The Bears are an affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates, who are near and dear to my heart. I used to love the $5 seats in centerfield of Three Rivers Stadium, where you could talk to the players as

  • It’s Not About the Vote of the People, Even in the UK.0

    Thanks to everyone who has made our Webb Weekly Live show an overnight success. In case you missed it, myself and my editor, Steph Nordstrom are doing a weekly show streamed live every Wednesday at 10 a.m. We have a weekly guest, talk about all that’s going on in the Webb Weekly area, as well

  • She is Innocent as Charged0

    Did you really think anything was going to come out of the FBI’s investigation of Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton? FBI Director James Comey stated last week, “I would not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.” Really, there’s a real shocker! He

  • Identifying the Enemy0

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack. So many families’, so many friends’ lives changed forever. And to the family of Lane Graves, the two-year-old who lost his young life while enjoying a family vacation on the grounds of Disney. What an unimaginable event. To watch as your

  • Dads, Baseball and Ms. Hillary0

    Happy Father’s Day! Tip of the Webb Weekly cap to all the Dads out there and to everyone who provides Fatherly love and guidance. The importance of having Dad there no matter the age of his son or daughter, could never be overstated. With all the world has to offer today, someone to wear the

  • Jumpin’ Into June0

    Congrats to Katie Jones! The South Side Senior High flyer set the state pole vault record on the way to the gold medal. The young lady cleared 13 feet, yes 13 feet… Amazing! Jones has been the odds on favorite all season at the AA level, making her accomplishment even more special. Sometimes that target