
Latest Issue

  • A Harley Highway to Heaven

    A Harley Highway to Heaven0

    “Love each other and share the spirit of Jesus Christ.” That was the message Father John Manno wanted me to share with everyone this past Easter. He was clear his message wasn’t just for Easter Sunday, but every day. Father John believed love is what is needed most in the divided world of today. This

  • Carrying the Name1

    For me, Father John was more than a priest. He was more than a supporter of our community. He was more than the man who walked with a boot with the Williamsport Fire Department during the Grand Slam Parade or the man who led prayers at the 9/11 Memorial Ride. He was more than the

  • The President, Coach Kelly and Striking Out Cancer0

    Happy Summer to everyone! Just a reminder about our Great American Cookout Giveaway. The information and entry form can be found directly below. Please remember you may mail it in or drop it off at my office in South Side. It’s the great taste of America made in America feast to the winner. But more

  • Summer Safety Tips0

    The kids are just out of school, adults are on vacation and it’s time for outdoor activities like riding bikes and hosting barbecues. However, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that summer also is the time of year consumers are most likely to be injured. As we welcome the arrival of summer, please

  • All Made Possible by the American Soldier0

    A Webb Weekly salute to our servicemen and women that gave all to provide our precious freedom. From the Revolutionary War to our current global conflicts and War on Terror, the way of life we know as Americans has been paid for by the blood of those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. A heartfelt

  • Memorial Day0

    It’s easy to get caught up in the ‘kick-off to summer’ aspect of Memorial Day. It’s easy to lose sight of what this holiday is about. It’s not about picnics and BBQs and long weekends. It’s about remembering those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. In case you need a reminder of just

  • Friendship, Positivity and Community0

    There is a group of local business folks that get together each week to discuss the world’s problems and much more. I will refer to them as my friends of the round table, even though the table we sit at is more of an oval shaped countertop — that just sounds better. The topics most

  • Let’s Read0

    I am a huge proponent of reading. Whether is trashy romance, young adult (even if you are an old adult), comic books, textbooks, or gossip magazines. Reading stimulates the brain and keeps it active and working — even if the content isn’t top tier. One of the great things about my Kindle (other than being

  • You Can Learn a Lot From a Song0

    “I believe most people are good and most mamas oughta qualify for sainthood.” This line is from country star Luke Bryan’s hit “Most People Are Good,” please Google and listen if you haven’t heard it. It’s also a great segue to Happy Mother’s Day! As far as the sainthood I definitely agree with Luke. Thank

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    It’s become tradition to run this list on Mother’s Day, tweaking as I go along, because all moms in all their forms, shapes, sizes and colors deserve to be recognized — not just on Mother’s Day, but every day! So without further ado… First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to my mom, who helped me

  • Tums or Rolaids Won’t Fix This Gas Problem.0

    I cover a lot of ground in my travels around the Keystone State. One thing that has always been frustrating is the poor condition of our highways. It amazes me how I can leave Pennsylvania on a washboard, potholed covered highway and drive into an adjacent state that the road is as smooth as glass.

  • Eats and Heat…0

    I’m going to go ahead and say spring has officially sprung. That means picnics and pot lucks are quick to follow. I think we could all use a few go to easy recipes to take to our spring and summer picnics. So I’m making a request! Do you have a great recipe that you would