
Latest Issue

  • Mind Your Own Parenthood1

    I try really hard not to get triggered by keyboard warriors, and generally speaking, I think I do a reasonably good job. However, we all have our limits. And let me tell you, I reached mine on October 27. So, I’m going to repeat something I posted to social media that night in response to

  • 47 Years is a Problem, Not the Solution0

    No matter who wins the election, I can’t wait for all this nonsense to be over. I am beyond tired of President Trump and Mr. Biden being in my mailbox, on the electronic device of my choice, feeling obligated to watch their debates, and flipping through channels to see what all the mainstream media geniuses

  • Happy Halloween…0

    Hey y’all! I’m so excited for Halloween this weekend! And to make the spookiest of days even spookier, there is a full moon on Halloween! It’s not our Halloween issue without the announcement of the winners of our Halloween contest! Congratulations to the following winners of our Howling Halloween Contest! – Sierra Walter – Karlee

  • Make Sure Your Vote Counts!

    Make Sure Your Vote Counts!0

    Well, the October 19th date to register for the upcoming November 3rd election has come and gone. This year’s presidential election will be historic in many regards. The one we hear much about is the absentee/vote by mail option, which has now come into play for the American voter. I had the opportunity to sit

  • Fall Family Fun!0

    OK, y’all! This weekend is the last before Halloween, so it’s prime time to get out and enjoy some Fall Family Fun! We are lucky enough to live in an area that offers a plethora of options to get out with the family or framily and enjoy fall and spooky season! The Green Barn Berry

  • Have Lies, Injustice, and the Social Media Way Become Our Kryptonite?1

    Before I get started this week, I’m going to self-correct. Last week, in my column, “The Armed and the Delirious” I had Lucille Zablocky at 84 years young as the most senior member of our Guns & Roses effort with National Range & Armory. It was brought to my attention that Barb Reish actually holds

  • Howling Halloween!3

    Step right up and play the game! Boys and girls, goblins and ghouls! Everyone has a chance to win a prize! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is my FAVORITE contest of the year, and I always look forward to picking out what we will be searching for and

  • The Armed and the Delirious0

    There has never been a more important time in American history to understand, support, and exercise our freedoms empowered by the Constitution of our great land. This past summer, I teamed up with the good folks at National Range & Armory to offer some understanding and practical application of our 2nd Amendment rights. Wow, what

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month0

    Domestic Violence Awareness month was originally started in 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence as a Day of Unity to connect battered women’s advocates across the country. According to the CDC, 1 in 4 women, and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. Think

  • Postal Gratitude and Monster Buck Attitude0

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to our local postal carriers. They do a great job each and every week making sure the Webb Weekly gets delivered right to your home. I consider these fine folks my partners in business. They do the heavy lifting and delivery

  • Adopt a Shelter Dog

    Adopt a Shelter Dog0

    Anyone who knows me, knows that I am notoriously early for everything. Obnoxiously so sometimes. I can’t help it. Being late gives me anxiety, and as Mr. Webb used to say, “If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time, you’re late, and if you’re late, you’re out the door.” So that means we

  • Home, Neighborhood, and Self Improvement0

    Autumn has officially fallen on the West Branch Valley. Although I don’t like the daylight hours growing shorter, the temperature moving a little south on the thermometer and knowing what may be just around the corner — what an absolutely amazing time of year in our neck of Penn’s woods. We all need just to