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  • Oktoberfest0

    Sometimes odd questions get stuck in my head. They often won’t go away until I know the answer. Luckily I usually walk around with all the answers in the known universe in my purse. The question that got stuck recently is why is Oktoberfest celebrated in September? October is right in the name! So off

  • How to Help0

    As of this writing the southern east coast is bracing to take the brunt of Hurricane Florence. After a natural disaster strikes, it is our natural inclination to want to help. But what are the best ways to actually help? Here are several ways to help in the wake of floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and other

  • Fall Reading List0

    Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. I have a penchant for sappy romance novels. They are usually full of ridiculous, over-the-top tropes and always end with a HEA (Happily Ever After). Something about the fall makes me want to change up my usual reading with something different. Now, usually, this leads

  • Never Forget0

    “Do not despair of our present difficulties but believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit. We never surrender.” ~ John McCain Tuesday will mark the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the US. After you enjoy your long weekend with friends and family,

  • Let’s Toast Some Marshmallows

    Let’s Toast Some Marshmallows0

    So by now, y’all have figured out that I love to cook. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth myself, but I like making sweets for other people. August 30th is supposedly ‘Toasted Marshmallow Day’, so I got to thinking that there has to be something fun to do with toasted marshmallows other than

  • Back to Reality0

    The Little League World Series is winding down and we are closing in on the end of summer. Kids will be heading back to school and this Friday will bring us the first Friday night football games. Speaking of, Webb Weekly Live and Cable Sports Live are back this year to bring you two great


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