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  • A Reminder0

    Sometimes, I go through old issues, and I find subjects that I feel need revisiting. This was one of those weeks. A couple of years ago I talked about the need to be NICE. We live in a world filled with drugs, rape, murder, poverty, hunger, homelessness, mental and physical abuse, crippling debt, political discourse,

  • Family Fun Month0

    August is National Family Fun Month! So this week I’m bringing you lots of fun, family friendly things to do this month. Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, the floodwaters have receded and the Hiawatha is back in the river. Tuesdays in August are family nights on the Hiawatha. Join them for a

  • Culinarian’s Day0

    July 25 is Culinarian’s Day, an unofficial holiday that honors all cooks and chefs who bring good taste and great food into people’s lives. Culinarians are experts (and non-experts) in the art and science of cooking and serving food. They can be chefs, cooks, home cooks, bakers, and anyone else who is involved in the

  • Summer Reading List0

    July is almost over, and before you know it, the Little League World Series will be here and kids will be heading back to school. Before they head back, help get them prepped by giving them something to read. Listen, I know, it’s summer and that means pools and bikes and creeks and campfires. But

  • Footsteps and Flyballs for Great Causes0

    The middle of July can mean one thing in our area, the Lycoming County Fair. The event began in 1870 as a way for farmers to show and compare their produce and livestock. The salt of the earth event is still going strong. There’s something to be found there for everyone from the demolition derby,

  • Happy Fourth of July!0

    The Fourth of July has long been one of my favorite holidays. Not only do we get to celebrate the independence of our country, but we get to do it with fireworks and picnic food — which happen to be some of my favorite things! Plus, unlike other holidays, there’s no pressure with the 4th.


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