
Latest Issue

  • A Little Bit of Fall Magic0

    As of this past weekend, it is officially fall! I couldn’t be more excited. I just love this time of year. Every morning, when I wake up and brush my teeth in the bathroom, I look out the window that faces our woods. Each day, I notice the leaves changing more and more. There is

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook for Kids!” by David Borgenicht and Justin Heimberg, illustrations by Wenke Kramp0

    Uh-oh. You’re in trouble. You were playing outside and something life-threatening occurred. Or you were on vacation and the worst possible thing you could imagine actually happened. So now what? How do you act to save your life and the lives of others? Ta-daa! “The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook for Kids!” by David Borgenicht and

  • Fall 2024 Color Trends0

    With every season, there’s a spinning of the color wheel. Fall is especially primed for a color reboot, which is fitting with the changing foliage and seasonal holidays. The color trends for fall 2024 mix up the classics with some unexpected twists to give your wardrobe a potential refresh. What I love about color trends

  • Vulnerability0

    Wise is the traveler who is aware of their strengths. Wiser still is the traveler who is aware of their weaknesses, for weakness can destroy in a moment what has taken strength a lifetime to build. Travelers on the road to Life gain elevation. Their moral character, strong work ethic, and unique spiritual gifts and

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Mr. Churchill in the White House: The Untold Story of a Prime Minister and Two Presidents” by Robert Schmuhl

    The Bookworm Sez: “Mr. Churchill in the White House: The Untold Story of a Prime Minister and Two Presidents” by Robert Schmuhl0

    Guests and fish. Ben Franklin famously said that both stink after three days, which could be correct. You love having visitors. You also love when they go home, and who could blame you? Your space is your space and, well, that’s it. Still, there are times when, for many reasons, you buck up and launder

  • Fall is in the Air

    Fall is in the Air0

    Fall is in the air, and I am loving it! My favorite months are here, and I am one hundred and ten percent here for it. This week, I made my first soup since the heat of summer, and oh my goodness — not to toot my own horn, but — TOOT, TOOT!! It was

  • American Rescue Workers: Celebrate 90 Years of Service

    American Rescue Workers: Celebrate 90 Years of Service0

    The American Rescue Workers (ARW), a fixture in Lycoming County, is celebrating 90 years of operation this year and will be having a get-together on September 19th, from 2-6 p.m. at their Elmira St. location. Founded in 1934 by the Rev. William Morehart, the ARW has helped hundreds of thousands of Lycoming County’s neediest. According

  • Three Laws on the Road to Life0

    On the road to Life, grace is the predominant force experienced by travelers. Grace pulls travelers upward, giving them the ability to overcome the steep terrain and obstacles often encountered as they climb. Remember, the road to Life is a difficult uphill climb that requires work and sacrifice. It’s not a popular road, but for

  • Lycoming-Clinton System of Care Empowers Children and Families0

    One has simply to turn on the TV or look at their phone to see that the world is crazier than ever, and children seem to be getting the worst of it. It’s harder than ever just to be a kid, and the mounting challenges of living in these times can take a toll on

  • On Both Roads, Part 20

    Note: This is the fifth article in a series called Two Roads. Previous articles are always available at In addition to death, gravity, and grace, let’s consider the other things found on both the roads, the Road to Death and the Road to Life. Rest Stops Traveling consumes resources. A traveler must stop and

  • Let the World Always Remember

    Let the World Always Remember0

    Everyone will always remember where they were and what they were doing on the day the Twin Towers were hit. It’s been a few years since I shared my story of that day, so I thought I would share it again. Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day? Twenty-three years

  • Fall Wardrobe Essentials0

    Fall is here! While the days are still a bit warmer than I’d prefer, the mornings are fairly crisp, and the scent of changing foliage is in the air. With the slowly changing weather comes the change of seasonal style. As we gear up to trade in summer clothes for winter wear, it may be