
Latest Issue

  • Avoiding Burnout at Work0

    While it may seem that most of America was on leave the last twelve months, the truth is that most people were working harder than ever. This excess in work, combined with the stress of a global pandemic, has led to an increase in employee burnout. According to Dr. Jill Suttie, contributing editor for Greater

  • Core Values – Unity0

    Most of my articles are summarized versions of the sermons I preach at church. Currently, our church is participating in a season of 40 days of prayer and fasting as we seek God’s direction for our local mission. During the fast, I have decided to preach on our core values as a way of reaffirming

  • Fall Favorites

    Fall Favorites0

    When it comes to fall, I have so many favorites. Last week we talked about soups. I made that Chili Mac and Cheese for our hayride, and let me tell you; it was hit. We had so many delicious soups. A dozen to be exact. And the pies! Ohhh, the pies. I had to sample

  • The Bookworm Sez: “If the Shoe Fits: A Meant to Be Novel” by Julie Murphy

    The Bookworm Sez: “If the Shoe Fits: A Meant to Be Novel” by Julie Murphy0

    Your little toe hangs off the side. Urgh. Behind your ankle, your foot sticks out a half an inch, too, and you simply must face it: the sandals you lust after, the last pair marked down, are too small. Unlike Cinderella’s sister, you can’t cut off your toes. Maybe, as in the new novel “If

  • How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

    How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds0

    Carving jack-o’-lanterns is a Halloween tradition that both adults and children enjoy. It’s hard to resist an opportunity to carve a funny or scary face into a pumpkin that will soon make its way to the front porch, but there’s another irresistible element to carving pumpkins as well. Roasted pumpkin seeds make for a tasty,

  • October Outfits0

    Fall is such an odd time weather-wise. You can still get away with walking out the front door in a tee, shorts, and sandals all the way into early October. But as this month progresses, the chilly temperatures finally present the opportunity to get a bit more creative with your everyday outfit. However, you don’t

  • Mileage-Based Vehicle Maintenance Intervals

    Mileage-Based Vehicle Maintenance Intervals0

    Maintenance is an essential component of responsible vehicle ownership. Routine maintenance can help discover problems before they escalate into potentially costly issues. Maintenance also keeps vehicles running smoothly, making them more enjoyable to drive and extending their life expectancy. Various factors can help to determine how often drivers should change their vehicles’ fluids and take

  • Four Apps That Can Make Driving Safer0

    Technology has changed the world in ways too numerous to count. Many of those changes have made the world a safer place, but a growing dependence on smartphones, particularly when behind the wheel, continues to put the safety of drivers, their passengers, fellow motorists, and pedestrians in jeopardy. Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety

  • Hello October!0

    Ahhhh, hey there, October! One of my favorite months of the year. October means crisp fall mornings and nights lit with jack-o’-lanterns. It means hoodies, boots, and flannels. Pumpkin spice, hot cocoa, and apple cider will fill mugs — corn mazes, pumpkin patches, haunted hayrides, and bonfires. There are so many things that kick off

  • For the Love of Catalogs0

    It all started with the JCPenney “big book” that would come in the fall. Next came Speigel, then Newport News, then Victoria’s Secret. The arrival of a catalog always gave me a thrill. When I was little, I used to stare at the pictures, taking in all the details of the models, clothes, and accessories,

  • “Fall Into The Arts, Lake Fest”0

    Celebrates 7th Year! The Seventh Annual, Fall into the Arts Lake Fest will be held Saturday, October 9th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, October 10th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 939 Trimble Road, Trout Run (over-looking Rose Valley Lake). Admission is free and it will be held rain or shine.

  • Spur On to Good Deeds0

    Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…and all the more as you see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25. In last week’s article, we focused on what it means to spur one