
Latest Issue

  • The Best Bob for Your Face0

    As I sat at my desk the other day, waiting for my first cup of coffee to kick in, I began to hear morning bird songs. Looking out my window, the sky was clear, the sun was bright, and even though it was still bitterly cold, a sense of spring was in the air. With

  • The Zealot Gene: Jethro Tull Still Rocks0

    This is the first time I ever ran through a rock album with the lyric sheet in one hand and a Bible in the other. On “The Zealot Gene,” brand-new record from British prog-rockers Jethro Tull, front-man Ian Anderson continues his career-long examination of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Fortunately, this legendary band also continues the unique

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Law of the Land: Stories of the Old West” by Elmer Kelton

    The Bookworm Sez: “Law of the Land: Stories of the Old West” by Elmer Kelton0

    Drums or hooves? Here’s the answer: nothing’s better than the pound of a horse’s hooves, as heard from a saddle. They can sound like a dance, a drumstick skittering over a snare drum. A lively trot reminds you of bongos; a good run, like a bass kick. It’s music to a cowpoke’s ears and in

  • Three Strategies for Boosting Your Creativity Pt 10

    The word creativity can be defined as the act of forming something novel that has value. It may be a physical object such as a piece of art or something intangible like an idea. Creativity is important for many reasons including the development of problem solving skills and can impact everything from science to art

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Admissions: A Memoir of Surviving Boarding School” by Kendra James0

    You had three minutes to get to class. A hundred-eighty seconds to rush from room to room, always on the opposite sides of campus – do-able, as long as you didn’t have to fetch something from a locker or another spot. Do-able, if you could run fast, leap over crouching freshmen, and dodge slow-moving teachers.

  • Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Men0

    Valentine’s Day is coming up, and while some of us hard-hearted folks consider it a fluffy “Hallmark” holiday, the more romantically minded may be planning a lovely celebration of love. Usually, it’s on the gentlemen to treat the ladies on Valentine’s Day, but that doesn’t mean women can’t step to the plate with a thoughtful

  • Budget-friendly Valentine’s Day ideas0

    The National Retail Federation indicates Valentine’s Day is the fifth largest spending event in the United States after the winter holidays and Mother’s Day. Each February, people clamber to get gifts for their sweethearts and create romantic memories through fine dining and decadent desserts. According to Finder, a tool used to navigate complex decision-making processes,

  • Love Is…

    Love Is…0

    I’ve been thinking a lot about love this week. Not because of Valentine’s — that part is just a sweet coincidence. As I lay on the couch laid up this week from surgery, I can’t stop thinking about all the love and support I have had. From the evening before my surgery, the outpouring of

  • Indoor Growing

    Indoor Growing0

    This past week I had a case of cabin fever, so I began assembling supplies to build an indoor greenhouse. I invested in new LED grow lights and a new enclosure to help regulate the temperature and humidity. Last year, I used fluorescent lighting and noticed large fluctuations in temperature. After reading about the different

  • Wood You Be My Valentine?0

    It’s said when it comes to finding love “Every pot has a lid.” If that’s true, I guess that’s why I’m a colander. It’s bad enough being perpetually single 364 days of the year, but being single on Valentine’s Day is like pouring salt in a raw wound and rubbing it with sandpaper while listening

  • The Tragedy of Macbeth: Joel & Denzel Take on the Bard0

    Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” is famously plagued by a curse — a frightening series of mishaps, injuries, and deaths going all the way back to the play’s first staging in 1610. We don’t have space to go into all that here (just google “curse of Macbeth”), but perhaps this is one reason why it’s proven perilously difficult

  • Grateful Heart

    Grateful Heart0

    When I first started writing for the Webb, I was never worried about what I would write about each week. I’ve always loved to write. I must get that from my gram, Lois Liddick. But let’s turn the clocks back to when I was in high school. Ugh, school. I never loved school because I