
Latest Issue

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Seven Games: A Human History” by Oliver Roeder0

    It’s your turn. Spin the spinner, roll the dice, pick a card. Move your game piece the right number of squares and don’t miscount. And if you think you’ve caught a cheater, well, check the rules. Or, as in the new book “Seven Games” by Oliver Roeder, check with a computer. It’ll surely know what’s

  • Hair Over 500

    Many beautiful things come with aging: strong relationships with friends and family, wisdom, confidence, a deeper sense of self, career achievements, and the ability to truly do what you want. But what might not be as welcome are the hair changes that can occur. When women hit age 50, hair starts to lose pigment (if

  • Truth in Tension: First Importance Truth0

    Note: This is the third installment in a series of articles. Previous articles are always available online at Unity and Freedom As we talk about truth, we must keep in mind the priorities Jesus gave to His followers. First, He wants us to live in divine unity, to be one, just as He and

  • Having Purpose is Good for Your Health0

    It makes sense that to find happiness, we all need some sense of purpose. It doesn’t have to be something big or earth-shattering, just a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It might be a job you love, the time you look forward to spending with your family or even a calling

  • Coran Calvert’s MotoTrial Adventures0

    The world of MotoTrials is demanding, thrilling, and at times dangerous, but this doesn’t deter or scare one area youngster, 14-year-old Coran Calvert, from competing and excelling in them. According to the MotoTrials website, “MotoTrials (formerly ‘Observed Trials’) is now the pinnacle of off-road riding, as the riders tackle the most severe terrain capable of

  • God’s Timing

    God’s Timing0

    It was Monday morning. Plus, the day after the super bowl, and Valentine’s Day. That’s a lot right there. As I was pouring my husband his coffee and passing him his breakfast plate I said, “Oh hey! Happy Valentine’s Day babe!” He forgot as well, and we just gave each other a smooch. It was

  • Shoes to Wear with Jeans0

    I treat the months of January and February as a sort of style hibernation. It’s cold, so you want to pile on your warmest, which might not be your most stylish, garments. You don’t want to wear anything too delicate for fear it could get ruined by snow, ice, and wind. And chances are you’re

  • There’s A Storm A-comin’0

    “There’s a snowstorm coming!” or “There’s a snowstorm a-comin!” What’s the difference? At least 8 inches. You can typically determine the intensity of a snowstorm if the term “a-comin” is used. Nature provides us with numerous signs on upcoming weather conditions if we know what to look for or interpret. If cows are laying down,

  • Choose Your Friends Wisely, They Can Actually Shape Your Brain0

    You only have to watch one episode of the television show Alone on the History Channel to know that humans are social creatures. The premise of the show is that contestants take a handful of survival items such as a tarp, a knife, and a radio then are dropped off in the middle of the

  • Seed Soil0

    I thought I would go over seed starting mix since this will give you time to decide if you want to purchase your seed starting soil or make your own. I have personally used both. Most garden stores will carry small bags for the gardeners wanting to start just a few seeds. For gardeners planning

  • 15-Year-Old Local Girl Pens Science Fantasy Book0

    Kayla O’Dell is a typical 15-year-old girl enjoying her high school experience and all the fun you can have as a teenager. Kayla is in 10th grade; she lives in Muncy and attends Commonwealth Charter Academy. One thing is not typical, however — she has written a science fantasy novel and had it published. Webb

  • Three Strategies for Boosting Your Creativity: Part 20

    In the first installment of this article, we defined being creative as the act of forming something novel that has value. It may be a physical object such as a piece of art or something intangible like an idea. We also discussed why being creative was important to everyone, including the development of problem-solving skills,