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  • Spring 2022 Nail Colors0

    There’s nothing like a freshly painted manicure or pedicure to rejuvenate the season, your outfit, and your mood. Now, as you’re packing up your winter coats and boots, it is a good time to look into transitioning your nail color for spring! When considering warm-weather nail polish, bright shades like orange, red, and pink will

  • Moonrise and Sunset: A Tribute to Bruce Willis0

    Bruce Willis’ retirement last month concludes one of Hollywood’s most successful and beloved film careers. With over 100 titles grossing $5 billion, Willis’ filmography includes such hits as “Die Hard,” “Armageddon,” “The Sixth Sense,” “Red” and “Pulp Fiction” — not to mention Emmy-winning stints on TV’s “Moonlighting” and “Friends.” Given this popularity, Webb Weekly sidesteps

  • The Bookworm Sez0

    You’re a kid who likes to think big. If you build something, you want it bigger. You want the best collection of whatever it is you love, complete with all parts and pieces. And above all, what you have should be the best in the world, right? So why not read these books that are

  • Sweet Patoot0

    A few weeks ago, when we were putting our daughter’s bedroom back together after a complete remodel, I caught myself saying something I hadn’t heard in a while. I was putting all her clothes back into her nice new big closet. Kenzy was bouncing all over like it was Christmas morning. She had waited five

  • Truth in Tension: The Key that Unlocks Truth0

    We are about to commemorate the death and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this season, I usually focus on retelling the story of Christ’s passion and the glorious moment of His victory, once and for all, over sin, death, and the grave. Instead of focusing on what He did this year, I want

  • Easter Bread is a Tradition in Many Homes

    Easter Bread is a Tradition in Many Homes0

    Families share many Easter traditions. Easter in a home with people who trace their ancestry to Italy will likely feature “Pane di Pasqua,” which translates to “Easter Bread.” Easter Bread is a ring of sweet bread that can be adorned with candy sprinkles. Some people nestle colorful hardboiled eggs within the twisted dough as well.

  • Your Guide to the Easter Liturgical Celebration

    Your Guide to the Easter Liturgical Celebration0

    Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christians. According to biblical scripture, Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and Savior to the World. Easter Sunday marks His resurrection from death on the cross, upon which He paid the full penalty for humanity’s sins by offering a spotless sacrifice in Himself, established the Christian

  • Easter Shopping in Downtown Williamsport During the 1950s0

    It’s Easter Saturday, 1955, and Peter Cottontail is hopping mad trying to find Easter candy, flowers, and Easter bonnets. In 1955 there was no Wal-Mart or Target. The Loyal Plaza hadn’t been constructed, and The Lycoming Mall wasn’t even a dream. {Ha, Ha, build stores in a cornfield 15 miles from town — what a

  • Eight Tips for Dyeing Easter Eggs

    Eight Tips for Dyeing Easter Eggs0

    Coloring eggs is a beloved Easter tradition. Eggs long have been symbols of fertility and rebirth, making them fitting icons for spring. One story links eggs to Easter as well. According to some religious scholars, Mary Magdalene, the woman who was the first person to see Jesus Christ after His resurrection, was holding a plain

  • Easter Egg Hunts and Other Eggceptional Traditions

    Easter Egg Hunts and Other Eggceptional Traditions0

    Easter is celebrated in various ways. Traditional religious commemorations include Saturday evening Easter vigils and Sunday morning Resurrection masses. Parents may spend Easter weekend putting the finishing touches on Easter Bunny baskets, and many families favor a combination of traditions. Since religious as well as secular imagery and traditions have melded to form the Easter

  • Saved by Grace

    Saved by Grace0

    I love the commercial this spring where the song “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” plays in the background. It feels like Christmas time again for that thirty-second commercial, even though it’s an allergy pill advertisement. As I literally sit here sneezing and having a runny nose, allergy season is the worst, but

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff” by Matt Paxton with Jordan Michael Smith0

    The carpet in your living room is brown. At least that’s the way you remember it. You haven’t actually seen it in a few years because you’ve got stuff from corner to corner, held down by furniture you don’t sit on, anchored by things you don’t use. Time for a major clean-up, and it can