
Latest Issue

  • The Sinking Ship That’s Still Afloat 50 Years Later0

    Gene Hackman is midway up a towering metal Christmas tree with his hands pressed firmly on Shelley Winters’ derriere. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And those desperate measures include Winter’s ample fanny. So begins a harrowing race to the bottom that is now the top — What a disaster! —And movie fans couldn’t get

  • Putting God Back in our Country0

    As we all get ready to celebrate America’s birthday this weekend, let’s remember how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful country. I know it’s getting divided, and things are tough right now, but let’s not forget the people who fought hard for this country. Let your patriotism show this weekend! Whether it

  • The Bookworm Sez: “What’s So Funny? A Cartoonist’s Memoir” by David Sipress0

    You never thought that you could tell a joke. Oh, you’d start off right, tucking in all the funny motions and voices. You’d do the build-up like it was meant to be and you’d pause at all the right places but much as you tried, the punchline never arrived, or it did and it was

  • Travel is Good for Your Health0

    In last week’s Living Well, I wrote about the benefit of walking on the beach, as I had recently been on vacation (it was way too short, by the way). In this week’s column, I’d like to discuss how and why travel is actually good for your health. Stacey Lastoe and Hilary Lebow, writers for

  • Classic Summer Accessories0

    With summer in full swing, the idea of accessorizing may just be a bit too much to handle in the heat. Who wants to think about — let alone wear — layers of jewelry, tight belts, and uncomfortable shoes, all for the sake of a “look” on a sweltering day? However, the right accessories can

  • Benefits of Beach-Walking0

    My wife and I recently took our children on a much-needed vacation to the shore. While preparing to go on vacation can be more stressful than actually staying at work for me, I eventually get myself into vacation mode and really look forward to taking some time off. This is partly due to one of

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Phasers on Stun: How the Making (and Remaking) of Star Trek Changed the World” by Ryan Britt

    The Bookworm Sez: “Phasers on Stun: How the Making (and Remaking) of Star Trek Changed the World” by Ryan Britt0

    Every day, you like to go where no one has gone before. To the supermarket, to your bedroom down the hall, to your desk or workstation, even if you were just there, you like to make your journey a little bit different. Change is good, and in the new book “Phasers on Stun” by Ryan

  • Food Cost

    Food Cost0

    I’m one of those few people who LOVE to grocery shop. I enjoy walking up and down the isles to see what goodies I can find and prepare my family for the next two weeks of meals. The only time I don’t like going to the grocery store is when it’s too busy, and you

  • Moving Forward 2.00

    I previously wrote an article titled, Moving Forward. The article was based on a story, which has been on my mind a lot recently, about Dean Furness, who was an analytic consultant for Wells Fargo. Furness was a very middle-class person; very average in every way. He was from the midwest and was married with

  • Imagine – 50 Years Have Flown By0

    “Imagine” — that famous song by the late John Lennon formed the backdrop for the 50th Class reunion a few weekends ago for the then Bishop Neumann High School and had sparked the “imagination” of 62 idealistic young men and women as we prepared to fly from the nest of a seemingly utopian high school

  • Strawberries0

    Working in the garden this week, I took notice of all the blossoms on my daughter’s strawberry plants we started three years ago. The best time to plant strawberries is early spring. Most plants will blossom in the first year but removing these first blossoms will give the plant more time to establish a better

  • Father’s Day Gifts for the Modern Dad0

    Father’s Day is a chance for people to show the special men in their lives just how much they’re loved. Though it was first celebrated on June 19, 1910, it was not until decades later that President Richard Nixon made honoring fathers a nationwide holiday in the United States. While there are many different ways