
Latest Issue

  • Fall in Love With These Romantic Films0

    Stories of romance are as old as love itself. That makes Valentine’s Day an ideal time to indulge in a romantic comedy or classic love story. Plenty of films can be enjoyed while snuggled up with a sweetheart on Valentine’s Day. The following can serve as a romantic starting point for couples looking to cozy

  • Action Leads to Motivation0

    Every year millions of people around the world make New Year’s resolutions. By the end of January, however, most of them have already lost their momentum and have given up on their goals. In the fitness business, we called these people the “30-day wonders.” People would tell me that they just weren’t motivated to exercise

  • Heart: Passion and Emotion0

    Note: This is the second article in a series entitled “The Five Investments.” Previous articles are always available at “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is

  • The Big 4-0

    The Big 4-00

    This month has been a big month around here for us. We finished the holidays and then had two birthdays back-to-back in our little family going into January. Kenzy turned nine, which I had shared about a few weeks back, and my hubby turned FORTY a week later! When he turned thirty, I surprised him

  • Winter Hair Care0

    We’ve all heard that winter can be hard on your skin, what with the drier air and harsh weather. It can also do a number on your hair. The cold air, whipping winds, static electricity, and indoor heat can leave hair dry and lackluster. Just like skin, hair needs protection from the cold to remain

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life” by Dacher Keltner0

    Of course, you’ve seen pictures of this. This mountain, this painting, the birth of a child, a singer on-stage, a perfect pirouette — you’ve seen pictures but they don’t come anywhere close to real life, and how stunned you feel with those wonders in front of you. The goosebumps on your arms, the feeling that

  • Forgetfulness vs. Dementia0

    All of us are forgetful from time to time. If I am to be completely honest, I sometimes secretly worry that I’m in the beginning stages of dementia when I cannot remember the name of some celebrity or band. I’ll be watching tv and ask my wife, “What’s the name of the guy in the

  • It was 20 Years Ago Today: A Look at Movies in 20030

    This week, your Webb movie critic honors his venue’s 20th anniversary with a look at films from 2003 — the same year this publication saw its inception (if you’ll pardon my mild cinematic pun). That year’s biggest smash was “The Return of the King,” netting over $1 billion while also tying “Ben-Hur” and “Titanic” for

  • Celebrating Twenty Years

    Celebrating Twenty Years0

    Four years ago this May is how long I’ve been writing for Webb Weekly, and it truly has been a life-changing experience. I’m one of the newer writers, but most of the writers have been along for the ride since the beginning! It’s really neat to hear their stories over the years. Each year at

  • The Value of Creative Freedom0

    This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Webb Weekly, for which I have been writing since 2019. As I reflect on the fact that I have written almost 200 articles for the publication in that time, I think about how much I value the creative freedom that the publisher, Jim Webb, and editor, Steph

  • Introduction to the Five Investments0

    Congratulations to Jim Webb and the Weekly team on the 20th anniversary of the Webb Weekly serving the greater Susquehanna Valley! Thank you for providing a free, positive, encouraging, and informative word in our mailboxes every week. On days like these, we need all the good news we can get. Well done! And please, keep

  • South Williamsport Police to Re-Establish K9 Program0

    With the retirement of K9 Dany in 2018, the borough of South Williamsport is working on adding a new K9 partner to the patrol division. The addition of a K9 partner will do many things for the boroughs of South Williamsport and Duboistown, including performing public relations between the police and the community, providing appearances