
Latest Issue

  • Stu, Pugh and One More, Too: Three Picks from Netflix0

    Last spring, your Webb Weekly critic spent a week with Apple TV and reviewed three picks for eager streamers. This year, let’s try a trio of recent worthies from Netflix instead: “Your Place or Mine” (2023) – In this feel-good rom-com, Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher play a pair who’ve been “just friends” for 20

  • Spring Jewelry Trends0

    Now that we have turned the clocks ahead and spring has officially begun let’s turn our gaze away from the weather and toward something shiny, like jewelry! Jewelry trends are odd in that they come partially from the runways and partially from consumer factors. My favorite type of trend, be it jewelry or otherwise, originates

  • Get Your Beef On0

    Last week I grabbed two pounds of ground beef out of our freezer and went to work. I had planned on burgers, but found out that’s what we were having Thursday with the family for dinner so I had to change my menu. That’s the beauty about ground beef. There is so much you can

  • Bill Nighy the Screen Guy: Actor’s Best Work Now Streaming0

    This piece was written before — but published after — the 2023 Academy Awards, during which Britain’s Bill Nighy competed for Best Actor. But even if Nighy wound up losing to Brendan Fraser, his many fans still have cause to celebrate — because the film he was tapped for is now available to stream! Simply

  • Rainy Day Style0

    Even for those of us that are meticulous forecast checkers, sometimes you wake up, and it’s unexpectedly raining, throwing all of the potential outfit ideas you had the night before out the window, and are now being drenched. While wet weather can be a downer, it doesn’t mean your look has to follow suit. Here

  • Relationships: Allelon0

    Note: This is the sixth and final article in a series entitled “The Five Investments.” Previous articles are always available at “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.

  • 2nd Annual Christian Houghtaling Foundation Golf Tournament

    2nd Annual Christian Houghtaling Foundation Golf Tournament0

    In 2017 Christian Houghtaling was diagnosed with a rare subtype of Leukemia called Hypodiploid Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). At the time of his diagnosis, Christian was a bright, talented, 14-year-old Loyalsock Township High School Freshman. Although he was treated at some of the top medical facilities in the country, including Geisinger, Johns Hopkins, and the

  • This Week’s Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar. 21–Apr. 20: So many things are moving your way, Aries. As the week progresses, your energy level could rise, and you will get much more done. Leave time for meaningful encounters. TAURUS – Apr. 21–May 21: Taurus, connect with nature this week. Go hiking at a national park or visit a zoo

  • Grandparents Create Memories That the Heart Holds Forever0

    I know many of you love the family part of my writing. I hear all the time how you love hearing stories about my family. My grandparents always seem to be the highlight in a lot of these. If it wasn’t for my family, I don’t think I would be the writer I am. I

  • Praising the Baton: In Memory of Al Nacinovich0

    The world of local music lost a great friend and leader last month. Albert J. Nacinovich, beloved music teacher and long-time director of Williamsport’s Repasz Band, passed away peacefully on Feb. 18. He is survived by two daughters, two granddaughters, a great-granddaughter and his wife of 62 years, Alice. Now nearing its 200th anniversary, the

  • This Week’s Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20: A development may have you feeling a bit down, Aries. That is only temporary, though, as your mood and circumstances will rebound in no time at all. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21: Taurus, people you encounter this week may be exceptionally stubborn, so you may need to avoid confrontations. Keep

  • Strength: Temple, Tool, Temptation0

    Note: This is the fifth article in a series entitled “The Five Investments.” Previous articles are always available at “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is