
Latest Issue

  • Transforming Grace: Holy Spirit0

    The goal of my writing today is to inspire you to access the powerful transforming grace God has made available to us through the Holy Spirit. In this series of articles, we are recognizing one fundamental truth regarding transformational grace: God provides the grace, but we must access it. Doing so requires discipline. We access

  • Area Athletes Break Records, Win Gold

    Area Athletes Break Records, Win Gold0

    It was a good year to be a Bulldog, especially for the Bellomo brothers. Between the two Jersey Shore Area High School seniors/fraternal twins, four school records were broken, a state championship won, and many personal records were set. Nick Bellomo, along with teammates Peyton Whitman, Elijah Jordan, and Brodie Herr, set the school record


      Over 80 musicians will gather in Williamsport on Saturday to pay tribute to a beloved friend and mentor.   Free and open to the public, the Albert J. Nacinovich Memorial Concert is slated for 7:30 p.m. on June 10 at the Williamsport Area High School auditorium.   Nacinovich, a long-time area educator and 37-year

  • The Game of Memory

    The Game of Memory0

    It’s funny how you see or hear something, and it takes you back to something you hadn’t thought about in years. Today my son Tyler was getting ready to go fishing at the river. It’s hot, and the sun is bright. I packed him some snacks in my lunch box and made sure he had

  • Disney’s Latest: A Not-So-Little Mermaid0

    Regarding Disney’s latest, the question might be: “Does the world really need another ‘Little Mermaid?’” But we already posed that query with recent live-action reboots of “Cinderella,” “Jungle Book” and “Beauty and the Beast.” The answer was: “Probably not; but no one’s complaining.” And they won’t complain about the latest “Mermaid,” either — though I

  • Summer Fun Outfits0

    I don’t know about you, but one of the ways I get myself through the dreary bouts of winter weather is by dreaming up ideal summer activities, vacations, and trips. A big part of that daydreaming-as-self-care is planning (and in some cases fantasizing) all of the warm-weather outfits I’d wear. Now that we are in

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Women, “ edited by Kami Ahrens

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Women, “ edited by Kami Ahrens0

    You can’t imagine life without your devices. Your cell phone, your computer: how else would you stay in touch, take photos, end arguments, keep documents? You need those links to civilization, you panic when you don’t have them. So what would you do, absent all modern conveniences? In “The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Women,” edited

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, things may not progress the way you want them to unless you become a little more persistent. Figure out how to walk the line to achieve your goals. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, many things are going right with your life. But now it’s time to get a

  • The World of Weird Words0

    While perusing my Brobdingnagian list of oddball vocabulary for this week’s selection, I noted that very early on, I’d included “sesquipedalian.” The wonderful American Heritage Dictionary defines this as “long and ponderous,” “polysyllabic” or “given to using long words.” Perfect, I thought; let’s focus this list on words of unusual length. So in keeping with

  • The World of Weird Words May 31, 20230

    Last week in this space, we launched a new weekly feature for Webb — the aptly named “World of Weird Words,” selected from hundreds of oddball terms on a list I’ve been amassing since 2005. With my lengthy intro to the series, I had room for only seven entries in that first piece; herewith, I

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Being more selective can enhance your life in many different ways, Aries. You often are judged by the company you keep, so think about that when starting new relationships. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Set up camp on the sofa for the next few days, Taurus. Enjoy the rest and

  • Camp Style0

    With Memorial Day behind us, all signs are pointing toward the lazy days of summer. Or, at least nostalgia for those carefree days summer always promised us as kids. Truth is, summer can be a very hectic time, and work does not stop for most grown-ups. However, the idea of summer camp makes me long