
Latest Issue

  • Leather Weather0

    So often folks refer to fall as sweater weather, and rightfully so, what with the dips in temperature and shorter days, who wouldn’t want to wrap up in cozy and comfy knitwear? However, another fabric to consider for this time of year is leather. Whether genuine or faux, leather has just as much of a

  • Paranormal Part 20

    Because there was such a great response to Lou Bernard’s interview about the Lock Haven Paranormal Society, I decided to reach out to Lou for a follow-up article. My goal was to discuss some actual cases that the group investigated in the area and get a better feel of what really goes on during an

  • Division and the Evil One0

    Note: This is the second article in a series called Overcoming the Five Failures of Us. Previous articles are always available at Revelation 2:1-7 To the angel of the church in Ephesus, write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden

  • Allergy Skincare0

    Just like the way wardrobes cycle through seasons, so do allergies. The worst months for allergy sufferers are typically March through July with pollen, but the fall also has allergy challenges with ragweed and mold. Along with the standard symptoms of sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, and cough, allergies can also dramatically impact your skin.

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Longmire Defense” by Craig Johnson0

    Finders, keepers. It was the law of playground and classroom and may still apply today: if it’s lost and you find it, it’s yours. Not that that’s always fair, mind you, but generally speaking, he who loses something, loses out. They say finders, keepers; losers, weepers unless, as in the new novel ‘The Longmire Defense”

  • Halloween Nostalgia0

    When we lived on Roosevelt Ave., my brother and I each had front windows to our sweet little ranch house. My dad had got us each a pumpkin that was flat-faced and hung in the window with a suction cup. The pumpkins smiled big from our bedroom windows as strangers drove by for a Halloween

  • The Five Failures0

    If you’ve been around the church for any length of time, then you’ve likely experienced church conflict or scandal. For those of us in the church world, it’s always difficult to reconcile the various troubles that churches experience. So often, we have thought, “How can Christians treat each other like that?” and “Shouldn’t we be

  • ’Tis the Season for Things that go Bump in the Night0

    Whether you are a true believer in the paranormal or a hardline skeptic, no one can deny that some things are a mystery. Maybe you have an old house and hear voices at night. Maybe your keys aren’t where you left them the night before. (If you are like me, you are just getting forgetful.)

  • Simple Fall Joys

    Simple Fall Joys0

    Kenzy has been ready for Halloween since the middle of August. She couldn’t wait to decorate her room and anything else she could get her hands on. Her favorite is setting the table for dinner. She will decorate the middle of the table with her decorations from her room or my decorations around the house.

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The League of Lady Poisoners,” written and illustrated by Lisa Perrin

    The Bookworm Sez: “The League of Lady Poisoners,” written and illustrated by Lisa Perrin0

    The bon-bons look absolutely yummy. You heard there’s a special creme inside them, so you’ll be sure to have one or five. The pies smell delicious; sweetness and a nip of sour, your favorite. Cake, cookies, pile that plate and forget the diet. As in the new book, “The League of Lady Poisoners,” written and

  • Fall Trends0

    Trends come and go, and with each new season, there’s a new “it” item, be it shoes, handbags, or even hem-lengths. And if you’re a fall fashion fan, as I am, you may be overwhelmed when trying to incorporate all of the exciting up-and-coming trends for the season. Usually, I find it best to pick

  • Local Man Advocates for People with Disabilities0

    On September 21st, Christ Westbrook, from Williamsport, testified in front of the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging on the topic of accessibility of government technology for people with disabilities, older adults, and veterans. Westbrook is an accessibility engineer for Allyant, who also happens to be blind. “I look at websites and write up