
Latest Issue

  • The Lycoming Audubon Society An Organization “For the Birds”0

    Many times we will hear someone say in a disgusted fashion, “oh that’s just for the birds.” But in the case of the Lycoming Audubon Society that is literally true. According to the group’s website, “The Lycoming Audubon Society (LAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society, with responsibility for members in Lycoming and

  • Once Bitten, Twice Shy

    Once Bitten, Twice Shy0

    Nobody likes getting ripped off. I don’t care if you got stuck with a lemon vacuum cleaner, poor roof or siding repair, or got hosed by Bernard Madoff and his fancy Ponzi scheme. It’s not one of life’s greatest experiences. It can even happen when you are young and green, as a few “snakes” showed

  • If Laughter is the Best Medicine, Why are There Drug Stores?0

    April Fools Day may be over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good laugh! In honor of this day of fools here are a few of my favorite jokes. Some are good, some bad, however, the important thing is to laugh today and every day. * Doctor: “You have a hernia.” Old man:

  • Makeup Mistakes0

    This past winter, my skin took a beating. It was dry, flaky, dull, and all around uneven. My regular skincare go-tos just weren’t cutting it, and the makeup I put on to hide it all ended up exacerbating the problems. Turns out, I wasn’t “prepping” my skin properly for cosmetics, AND I was using the

  • Create and Hide Unbreakable Easter Eggs

    Create and Hide Unbreakable Easter Eggs0

    Easter is one of the most important days of the year for Christians. Easter Sunday is filled with symbolism and tradition, some of which harken back to early Christianity, while others trace their origins to paganism. The Easter Bunny and Easter eggs are two Easter traditions with less extensive histories. The Easter Bunny, according to

  • How to Return the Unreturnable0

    We’ve all been guilty of impulse purchases that have gone awry, like buying something without trying it on first or buying a piece of clothing that seemed to fit OK in the dressing room, but magically turned out horrible when you got home. Common sense would have you return whatever doesn’t fit or flatter. But,

  • Just Don’t Ask for a High Chair and Bib0

    Americans are obsessed with diets and food intake. The average man needs a balanced mix of nutritious food that totals 2,500 calories per day. Athletes need more. Special issues such as thyroid or illness may dictate otherwise. But I’ve got a secret that will save you money, treat you to less carb intake, and is

  • Easter Symbolism Complements the Holiday0

    Tradition plays an important role in Easter celebrations for many families. Cherished traditions and symbols of Easter may include anything from egg hunts to lilies to lambs. Understanding the importance behind these symbols can make sharing the miracle of Easter that much more special. Eggs Eggs are one of the more recognizable symbols of Easter.

  • Winter, Winter Go Away0

    How disgusted am I with a local illegal immigrant issue that’s caused lots of problems, wasted tax dollars and stayed too long? I’m starting a petition to get this guy deported and say his kind isn’t welcome here anymore. It’s time Jack Frost took his nor’easter, frozen and frosty wind chilled days and headed north.

  • Easy Spring Sides and Treats0

    This Easter holiday, hop into a new tradition and swap your classic ham for savory lamb. Cooking lamb can be easier than many might think, especially when using a pressure cooker. You can combine aromatic herbs with white wine for a juicy leg of lamb in under an hour. Or try baking a rack of

  • Meow House A No Kill Shelter Since 1994

    Meow House A No Kill Shelter Since 19940

    There are probably hundreds of stray cats and other animals that wander the area seeking food, shelter, and love. Some of the shelters that these animals may end up in, perhaps after a fixed period of time may be euthanized, the Meow House at 214 Deckman Hollow in the Cogan Station area is not one

  • Spring Car Care: DIY Car Care Everyone Can Do0

    While taking your car to an auto service professional is a great way to ensure its performance, the Car Care Council reminds vehicle owners there are few simple vehicle checks that they can easily learn and do themselves to save a little money and help keep their vehicles running efficiently all summer long. With basic