
Latest Issue

  • Perfect Dress and Shoe Combinations0

    If there’s one thing that warmer weather brings on in full force, it’s dresses! From a green floral tea-length dress to polka-dot wraps, it seems we’re all a little obsessed with wearing a fun and flattering frock once the weather finally warms up. And what goes best with a summer-fun dress? Strappy statement sandals! Or

  • The Benefits of Shopping Farmers Markets

    The Benefits of Shopping Farmers Markets0

    Farmers markets have grown in popularity in recent years. Nowadays, consumers interested in farmers markets can likely find one near their homes whether those homes are in rural communities, the suburbs or bustling cities. People who have never before shopped farmers markets may be curious as to why many people find them so appealing. The

  • Annual Way’s Garden Art Show Sunday, June 100

    One of Williamsport’s greatest civic assets, Way’s Garden, will again be the site of the 62nd Annual Way’s Garden Art Show conducted by the Bald Eagle Art League. Additionally, the Way’s Garden Restoration Committee will use this occasion to help raise funds for its restoration efforts. The event takes place this Sunday, June 10 between

  • How to Create More Time for Leisure Time

    How to Create More Time for Leisure Time0

    Few working professionals would likely say they could not use more leisure time. People spend their leisure time in various ways, and many would prefer more time to pursue their passions away from the workplace. While they may not be able to create more time in the day, men and women can take various steps

  • Congratulations Class of 2018

    Congratulations Class of 20180

    Congratulations to all the graduates of the Class of 2018! Our area is blessed to have so many talented young people; I am amazed by what they accomplish in today’s world. Whether it is academically, musically or athletically there’s more being achieved than ever before. Take a moment to congratulate those special people in your

  • 24-Year-Old Man Seeks Kidney Donation2

    Most of us take the proper working of our kidneys for granted, but there are those who can’t, they have damaged kidneys that no longer function properly and some of them are in need of a kidney transplant immediately. One of these is 24-year-old Tucker Gordner. Tucker lives in Montgomery with his mom and stepdad,

  • Five Outfits for the Bride0

    Wedding season has kicked off with a royal bang! You may have heard about that little ceremony across the pond. For most brides, the dress you’ll wear as you walk down the aisle has been decided months out from your big day, but don’t forget the events surrounding your journey to ‘I do.’ Engagement party,

  • All the World’s a Stage0

    I have next to no talent when it comes to public speaking — or public anything, for that matter. Even group texts stress me out to a degree. It’s just not in my DNA — dealing with a live audience, large or small. I much prefer to express myself by sitting at my laptop and

  • Uptown Music Collective Presents the 10th Annual Blues-a-Thon

    Uptown Music Collective Presents the 10th Annual Blues-a-Thon0

    Events that combine fundraising, educational activities, exciting musical performances, staying up all night, and the opportunity to meet, play music with, and learn from an internationally known musician don’t come along very often. Unless you are a student or a friend of the Uptown Music Collective, then they happen at least once a year at

  • From Depression Glass to Waterford Crystal0

    My first trip to the Corning, NY glass plant was a well-planned one; my parents drove us there, but instead of stopping at a restaurant for lunch, my mother packed a picnic basket full of sandwiches and condiments. Father stopped at a well-trimmed grove along the way to upstate New York, which had a single

  • Picnic Season

    Picnic Season0

    As of this writing, I am preparing for the Memorial Day weekend, and all I can say is, holy stuff to do Batman! We have a lot going on this weekend and I need to bring something to eat to a couple of them. So while by the time you read this, Memorial Day will

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick off to summer. But please remember the true purpose of this holiday weekend. Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our Country. Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an