
Latest Issue

  • Cutters Featured in 2018 Topps Card Release0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters will again be featured on two special Fragments of the Farm cards as part of the 2018 Topps Pro Debut baseball card set. The cards feature Cutters pitcher Kyle Young with a fragment of a sign from the 2017 MLB Little League Classic and a Jhailyn Ortiz offering that includes a swatch from the shoes of

  • Gazette and Bulletin May 31, 1918: Muncy Carries Out Impressive Program0

    Memorial Day was fittingly observed in Muncy with the most impressive ceremonies that have ever been held here. The old burying ground at Halls Station, the cemetery at the Brick Church and the Muncy Cemetery were visited by a squad composed of members of the Grand Army of the Republic. Flowers were distributed; three volleys

  • Re-Building a Summer Wardrobe0

    It’s starting to feel like summer and, with the wintry spring we just had, your wardrobe may not be ready for this sudden warm weather. Ideally, you’d have a bit more time to transition winter apparel from your closet to storage, and assess the state of your summer clothes, shop for replacements, etc. But not

  • How Parents Can Help Children Make Friends0

    Social connections are important for children’s growth and development. Some children have a hard time fitting in and making friends, and these kids may just need a little extra help fostering friendships. According to the resource Parenting Science, decades of research indicates that parents play a key role in teaching children how to make friends.

  • Remembering Honor Registration is Open0

    This summer, the YWCA Northcentral PA is hosting a two-week social justice program called ‘Remembering Honor’ for 25 students between sixth and ninth grade. From June 11-14 and 18-21, students will meet from noon to 3 p.m. at the YWCA, 815 W. Fourth St. to expand their knowledge on diversity and how current social issues

  • Kid’s Corner: Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft

    Kid’s Corner: Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft0

    Paper Plate Bird Nest Craft This is an adorable and really fun craft for kids to make.  This craft gives kids the opportunity to express their creative side by decorating the birds nest and making cute little birds to go inside. Materials: • glue • scissors • paper plate • brown paint • stapler •

  • Summer Heat Facts and Safety

    Summer Heat Facts and Safety0

    For many people, summertime is synonymous with trips to the beach, water sports and recreation. Even though summer warmth is a welcome break from winter weather for many people, State Farm warns that heat is one of the leading causes of weather-related fatalities, resulting in hundreds of deaths each year in the United States alone.

  • Here’s Something Out of the Blue

    Here’s Something Out of the Blue0

    Rational decisions sometimes can’t be made during irrational times. Especially when it involves men and women who truly love the machines that take us through life, or in many cases, BACK in life. This isn’t like we haven’t met before; by now it’s a weekly event (celebration), of how I can haunt you or taunt

  • This Week’s LION: Tim and Beth Schoener: A Home Away from Home

    This Week’s LION: Tim and Beth Schoener: A Home Away from Home1

    There is a large home located in the vicinity of Penn College. It’s in a rather lovely residential neighborhood in the city of Williamsport, but something odd was happening there. The neighbors wondered why there were dozens of cars parked around the place every Thursday night. What could possibly be going on there week after

  • Three Memorial Day Weekend Travel Tips

    Three Memorial Day Weekend Travel Tips0

    Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. In 2017, the automotive group AAA estimated that 40 million Americans would travel 50 miles or more on Memorial Day weekend. Those estimates also projected that 34.6 million vehicles would be used to make those trips. Often referred to as “the unofficial

  • Stop Sand from Spoiling Summer Fun

    Stop Sand from Spoiling Summer Fun0

    Few things are as synonymous with summer recreation as a day at the beach enjoying the sun, sand and surf. Whiling away the hours at the coast is an ideal way to get fresh air and enjoy family or solitary time and also can be an entertaining way to exercise and learn about marine life.

  • Enjoy More Time Outdoors With Easy Tricks

    Enjoy More Time Outdoors With Easy Tricks0

    In centuries past, humans spent much of their time in nature, hunting, foraging and living life without the comforts of extensive shelters. Fast-forward several centuries, and the tables have turned dramatically. The Environmental Protection Agency says the average person spends 93 percent of his life indoors, with 87 percent of the time inside of a