
Latest Issue

  • Celebrate Safely This New Year’s Eve0

    New Year’s Eve is a time to celebrate. But for hundreds of people each year, the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day proves fatal. According to fatality data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over the last five years an average of 300 people died in drunk driving fatalities between Christmas and New

  • Interesting to Amazing Making a Manger by Tom, son of Ann and Sam0

    When I was in school, all the boys took wood shop in 9th grade. Projects were small: bookends, birdhouses, footstools, towel racks and the like. In fifth grade, other students started asking me what my older brother was building in the wood shop. As he and I never spoke at home or school, I didn’t

  • Christmas Toys and Living Water0

    Every year there seems to be a must-have Christmas present that everyone is trying to buy. I did a little search and came across a list of the top Christmas gifts going all the way back to the 1920s! Along with the list, I have added a little commentary of my own. While still enjoying

  • How to Dress Up if you Hate Dressing Up0

    Unless you’re a total humbug of a Grinch, chances are you’re going to at least one holiday celebration where you’ll have to dress up. But what if you’re more of a t-shirt and jeans kind of gal? How do you dress up when you’re averse to sequins, heels, and form-fitting frocks? Here are a few

  • New Year’s Traditions Around the World0

    Each December 31st, people anxiously await and count down to the arrival of the new year. January 1 often is a time for reflection and for making future plans. It also is a holiday full of tradition. Notable New Year’s traditions include toasting champagne beneath skies lit up by fireworks, kissing one’s sweetheart at midnight

  • Simple Ways to Look and Feel Your Best0

    At the dawn of a new year, many people resolve to reach for new heights. On the path to personal growth or improvement, one may find that making a few adjustments can greatly increase confidence and satisfaction. The adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” can inspire people to look beyond the outer shell

  • Season’s Greetings0

    Sending out Christmas cards is an exercise in futility for me — mostly because I’m a poor tool. When it comes to choosing a family picture to include on one of those trendy postcards created online with favorite snapshots and heartfelt messages, I fall down on the job every time. Never mind that I’m the

  • Looking Back at the Yuletide of 19480

    Looking back 70 years, the Yuletide of 1948 was the culmination of a very interesting year in history. Harry Truman had pulled off one of the greatest political upsets in history when he defeated Gov. Thomas Dewey in that year’s Presidential election. Truman also launched the historic “Marshall Plan” that year, which helped to rebuild

  • Blaise Alexander Christmas Coloring Contest Winners!

    Blaise Alexander Christmas Coloring Contest Winners!0

    • Arts
    • December 19, 2018

    The following are the Winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest! Congratulations to all of our winners and many thanks to all of our entrants! We had over 400 entries this year! You kiddos wore our elves out with judging!! We’d also like to thank all of the people who offered

  • Easy Christmas Morning Breakfast

    Easy Christmas Morning Breakfast0

    Christmas morning is an exciting and joyous time for families. Children are anxious to rush downstairs and see what Santa has left under the tree, and parents are eager to see the looks on youngsters’ happy faces. Having a fast and easy breakfast at the ready on Christmas morning allows families to jump right into

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas By Clement Clarke Moore0

    Twas the Night Before Christmas By Clement Clarke Moore Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

  • The Giving Tree Courtesy of St. Ann Catholic Church

    The Giving Tree Courtesy of St. Ann Catholic Church0

    While not a Christmas story, “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein is a wonderful children’s book with a message that resonates with everyone. It is a touching reminder of the importance of family and giving at this time of year. The story is about a tree’s sacrifice for the love of a boy. At first,