
Latest Issue

  • Student Summer Stock To Present “Newsies” At CAC July 26, 27 and 280

    Young acting and musical talent will abound when the Student Summer Stock program presents “Newsies” at the Community Arts Center on July 26, 27 and 28. Join Jack, Davey, Katherine, and others as they take a stand against Joseph Pulitzer’s unfair labor practices. Based on the 1992 motion picture and inspired by a true story,

  • Vacation Beauty0

    Summer is in full swing, and road trips abound as we head toward these last golden days before school starts. While you may have your itinerary down pat and everyone’s hiking shoes all prepped for this year’s vacation, is your beauty routine ready to hit the road? No matter the type of getaway you have

  • Live By Faith: Noah0

    The first nine chapters of the book of Genesis describe an ancient and mysterious era. Frankly, every time I read this section, I end up with more questions than I do answers. I’m a fan of head-scratchers — and the first part of Genesis is chock-full of them. However, the Bible was not intended to

  • Live By Faith: The Right Faith-Math1

    Note from the Author: This article is a continuation of a series of articles called “Live By Faith”. The series is based on Hebrews 11, which is known as “The Faith Chapter”. Enoch is a Biblical character that we know very little about. He appears as the seventh in line after Adam, and as the

  • Lycoming Motors – The Beginning0

    In my prior article on Lycoming Motors, I gave a history of their contributions to the automobile industry. This article delves back to very beginnings of Lycoming Motors in 1845. Yes, this manufacturing entity, though evolving over many years has its origins before the Civil War. In 1845 a Miss Demorest founded what was to

  • Vacation Dressing0

    Tis the season for vacays, staycays, and slaycays! Whether you’re gearing up for your annual family road trip, plan on laying low at home, or are booking an epic adventure, chances are your vacation wardrobe may be in need of a refresh. The key to building stylish vacation outfits is versatility and balancing the practical

  • Uptown Music Collective Summer Festival

    Uptown Music Collective Summer Festival0

    The Uptown Music Collective is set to present its annual free Summer Music Festival on Sunday, July 21st at Williamsport’s Brandon Park Band Shell. The day’s festivities will begin at 1 pm with free music performances all day, as well as food vendors, raffles, and more. The event will culminate with an exclusive, one-time-only performance

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin: Cool Beverage Anyone?

    Andrea’s Country Home Cookin: Cool Beverage Anyone?0

    You are out in your yard, sun’s a blazin’. You are picking those little jerks that seem to pop up every other day in your flower garden. They just don’t seem to stop taking over your yard. Weeds. Another great blessing of summer. Sweat is rolling down your neck and you feel like you are

  • The Bookworm Sez: By Terri Shlichenmeyer

    The Bookworm Sez: By Terri Shlichenmeyer0

    Star light, star bright. The first thing you see tonight is neither star nor planet. It’s technically a satellite, an orbiting astronomical sphere that seems to have a man’s face etched in its side. Once, though, it really did hold a man and in “One Giant Leap” by Charles Fishman, you’ll read about what went

  • The Bookworm Sez “Ohio” by Stephen Markley0

    That kid you knew in high school – the one so far out of your clique? You thought about him the other day, nothing important. A few of his friends were your friends but mostly, he was just some kid. Still, the memory of him popped into your head and you wondered what ever happened

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin: Those Hot Summer Nights

    Andrea’s Country Home Cookin: Those Hot Summer Nights0

    There is just something magical that happens on summer nights. All the lightning bugs twinkling in the trees, a crackling campfire, a clear night sky, coyotes howling off in the distance, and friends gathered outside just to take it all in. It’s just the best. My favorite summer evenings are when we gather with our

  • Community Arts Center 2019-2020 Season Announcement!0

    The Community Arts Center proudly presents its 26th Season! Nearly one and half million guests have enjoyed events at the Community Arts Center since the spectacular re-opening in 1993, and millions more are on the way. Making sure that there is something for every taste and every age has become a Community Arts Center hallmark.