
Latest Issue

  • Not Too Late for Summer Basics0

    As we head into August, the return to school bell may have begun to bellow, but summer isn’t quite over yet. The sun is still shining; the days are still warm, and, yep, it’s humid. So there’s still time to bust out those summer basics. So often, summer clothes are geared more toward function than

  • Coming Soon! Living Well

    Coming Soon! Living Well0

    I am very excited to announce that I will be bringing my love of writing (and my twisted sense of humor) to Webb Weekly in the form of my new column, ‘Living Well.’ This column will cover topics such as health, lifestyle, family, and whatever else I am in the mood to write about. Living

  • Good Mornin’

    Good Mornin’0

    Mornings. You either love them, or hate them. The older I get, the more I’ve learned to love them. I never used eat breakfast, which became a bad habit. Who had time for breakfast? It was feeding everyone in the house first, then throwing a quick load of wash in, unload the dishwasher, oh now

  • International Beer Day0

    I am a fan of craft beer. Craft beer and micro-breweries have taken the country and our area by storm in recent years. From IPAs to Gose to good old fashioned lagers, there is plenty to be found around town. The first Friday in August is ‘International Beer Day.’ International Beer Day is a day

  • Matching Outfits for the Family0

    Remember in days past when you’d wear matching outfits for your annual trip to the Olan Mills portrait studio? And remember how everyone, except for maybe Mom, hated dressing alike? Well, in this age of Instagram, Facebook, and never-ending selfies, posting pics of the family in coordinated looks is the stuff of daily practice. And

  • Picture This0

    Grocery lists aren’t what they used to be. Or perhaps I should say they’re inherently different than they were before the advent of the smartphone. People no longer simply jot down a comprehensive list of the sorts of things they need with regard to food, toiletries, and paper goods. Instead, they “tell” their phones what

  • Gotta Love That Crock-Pot

    Gotta Love That Crock-Pot0

    We all know we just had a week where the heat was unbearable. Days like that, the last thing you think about is cooking. This is why I love my Crock-Pots! I tend to associate them to the winter months, when it’s cold and I have a nice hot stew or soup ready to go

  • 32nd Loyalsock Valley Antique Farm Machinery Show August 1, 2, 3 and 41

    Motorized farm machinery has been an aid for farmers for many years. The heritage of these machines will be celebrated again when the Loyalsock Valley Antique Farm Machinery Association holds its annual show this weekend, August 1, 2, 3 and 4. For one weekend every year, the valley goes back in time to share the

  • Let’s Cook!0

    We all know that I enjoy cooking, and while I consider myself to me a pretty decent cook, there is obviously always areas that I could improve. My knife skills are pretty atrocious for example. But there have been a few tips and tricks that I have picked up over the years that have improved

  • The James V. Brown Bookmobile: Rolling Along For 80 Years0

    The year was 1939. FDR was President of the United States, Arthur James was Governor of Pennsylvania. It was perhaps the greatest year in film history with the release of such all-time classics as “Gone With the Wind,” “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington,” “The Wizard of Oz,” and “Gunga Din.” Sadly, it was also the

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Ohio” by Stephen Markley0

    That kid you knew in high school – the one so far out of your clique? You thought about him the other day, nothing important. A few of his friends were your friends but mostly, he was just some kid. Still, the memory of him popped into your head and you wondered what ever happened

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin’: The Fans

    Andrea’s Country Home Cookin’: The Fans1

    When I started Andrea’s Country Home Cookin, I never dreamed it would take off like it has. It has went further than I ever thought possible, and it’s thanks to you, my fans. You have shared my facebook page, tried my recipes, purchased my cookbook, read my new column and stuck by me for over