
Latest Issue

  • Family Fall Wardrobe Prep0

    Fall weather is finally here, and I’m so excited to unearth all of my sweaters, boots, and corduroys. Besides my own wardrobe, I’m also in charge of switching out my daughters’ summer apparel and getting them outfitted for the cold months ahead. My husband is left to his own devices for the most part, but

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Quiet” by Tomie dePaola0

    A dog says “woof.” Cats meow, horses neigh, cows go “Mooooo,” sheep say “Baaaaaaa,” and chicks peep-peep-peep. Every animal around the world, from living room to jungle, has something different to say. As you’ll see in the new book “Quiet” by Tomie dePaola, though, sometimes it’s best not to say anything at all. Zoom. ZoomZoomZoom.

  • The Smart-Casual Dress Code Decoded0

    In today’s modern work environment, it can be hard to navigate the ins and outs of professional dress codes — especially if your workplace doesn’t have a strict policy. Some offices require a suit-and-tie, while others allow jeans and sneakers. If you’re at a loss as to what to wear for work and there’s not

  • Silver Linings0

    When I was in high school, a million years ago, I was a pretty good athlete. Not great, but still I was a decent football player and wrestler. No, this is not a sports story. This is a story about seemingly missed opportunities and how great blessings sometimes come out of adversity. Wrestling was going

  • Pie for Breakfast

    Pie for Breakfast0

    Ahhhh, October! One of my favorite months of the year. As I went on my walk this morning with my dog Bear, I couldn’t help to take it all in. These hilly back roads here are just loaded with beauty from the mountains and the valley, to the deer out grazing the dewy morning fields.

  • Great Music from The 2019 Liberty Classic Community Band Festival!0

    If you love concert band music, the Repasz Band once again hosts the 10th annual Liberty Classic Community Band Festival with a free public concert Sunday, October 13th at 1:30 pm at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport. Fast becoming Williamsport’s own nationally known community band, this festival is a gathering and celebration of some

  • Casting with Greatness: Don Daughenbaugh Reflects0

    Nestled along a wooded country road a long fly cast from the Loyalsock Creek, the home is a reflection of the man who lives there. Built by his own hands, the rustic interior with its mountain stone and wooden beams provide a Norman Rockwell type portrait of the outdoor lifestyle that has provided the occupant

  • Live By Faith: Never Stop Believing0

    The next hero of the faith presented by the writer of Hebrews is Joseph. Here’s what is said about this great patriarch in Hebrews 11:22, “By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions about his bones.” Backstory Joseph is a big story. It

  • The Greatest Nation: As told by Pastor Max Furman0

    I was deeply moved when a member of my youth fellowship from thirty plus years ago contacted me and asked if I would be willing to officiate at her father’s funeral at Arlington National Cemetery. In the months that followed, her mother also passed away. Those funerals took place last Friday. It was an honor

  • Oktoberfest: Brew with A View From The Porch – Preservation Williamsport Fundraiser October 50

    Get out your lederhosen and Alpine hats and come out to Preservation Williamsport’s fundraiser, “Brew With a View From The Porch” that is being presented on Friday, October 4. This event affords you a rare opportunity. You are invited to stroll down Millionaires Row, and visit seven historic Victorian porches where you will be served

  • It’s about the Togetherness

    It’s about the Togetherness0

    It was last Thursday, and my phone rang mid-morning as usual. It was my regular call from my momma doing her daily check-in. There is usually not a day that goes by that we don’t touch base with each other. Must be a mother/daughter thing. Just asking each other how our night went the day

  • Live United In Music To Be Presented At Community Arts Center October 100

    UPMC Susquehanna presents LIVE UNITED IN MUSIC, benefiting the Lycoming County United Way, on Thursday, October 10th at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport. It is a great chance to sing along with the Music of Billy Joel, starring Michael Cavanaugh. Also appearing will be The Uptown Music Collective, The Strolling Strings and a very