
Latest Issue

  • On the Road0

    Your name is Traveler. It’s possible no one has ever called you by that name. It’s possible you’ve never identified yourself by that name. It makes no difference. It is your name. It’s always been your name. It is my name, too. By the way, this is the second article in the series called Two

  • More Prep, Less Stress

    More Prep, Less Stress0

    Time is flying by, but that is nothing new. Spring quickly turns into summer, and in the blink of an eye, the leaves are changing, and the air gets crisp — Ahhh, sweet, sweet fall. I get excited to think about my favorite months here. Sorry, summer people. Listen, I enjoy summer too. Just not

  • The Bookworm Sez: “End of Active Service” by Matt Young0

    You’re talking to yourself again. And why not? A conversation with someone glib and interesting is fun, even when it’s one-sided. Reminders, debates, profundity, nobody listens to you better than you. Sure, it might look funny. You’re probably teased for talk-talk-talking to thin air. But as in “End of Active Service” by Matt Young, maybe

  • Linen for Fall0

    Even though returning to school is on the horizon and the end of summer is calling, the days are still humid and hot. And we are probably looking at a warm and sticky fall. In years past, you may have been preparing to pack up your linen items by late August, but linen is no

  • Fixin’ an Error

    Fixin’ an Error0

    OK, so I first have to start right out by making a correction on last week’s column. By the time I caught it, it was already off to print. Most of you know I wrote about my son last week because we had just celebrated his birthday. I talked about how many Legos he has

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Power and Glory: Elizabeth II and the Rebirth of Royalty” by Alexander Larman

    The Bookworm Sez: “Power and Glory: Elizabeth II and the Rebirth of Royalty” by Alexander Larman0

    It’s a mess. And now it’s all yours to clear up. Over time, too many hands tweaked this thing, dropped the ball, subtracted important aspects, added pet projects and then they dumped it in your lap to fix. You get to untangle the knots. You must replace unneeded with helpful and reclaim a reputation. It

  • Cillo Breaks Masters Powerlifting Record

    Cillo Breaks Masters Powerlifting Record0

    Look out, Lou Ferrigno, aka, the Incredible Hulk. Williamsport has its own Incredible Hulk, and his name is Tom Cillo. I, like most everyone in the Williamsport area, have known Tom for decades for a multitude of things, including his outstanding representation of “Raider Nation” to his willingness to eat a poinsettia (he claims they’re

  • Two Roads0

    Life is built on choices. In his poem, The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost reflects on the wonder and mystery of the choices we make, and the direction life takes. In case you’re not familiar with it, here it is in its entirety: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not

  • LH JAMS 20240

    The 2024 Lock Haven JAMS Music Festival is back. The Clinton County Arts Council is sponsoring the three-day event that will run on August 8, 9 & 10. The goal has always been to expand how visitors view a wide range of musical genres and art, never to be predictable, and always push visitors into

  • Frizzy Hair0

    Hot, hazy, and humid weather can do a number on your hair. Frizz happens when the cuticle of the hair lifts up. This is the hair strand’s outer layer, like scales on a fish that lap over each other. If your cuticles are undamaged, your hair will be shiny and frizz-free. Of course, hair can

  • The Years Fly By

    The Years Fly By0

    Last week, our son Tyler turned fifteen. You sit and ponder and wonder where in the world all those years went. To think that in one more year, he will be old enough to drive is just crazy to me. It feels like yesterday, I was fifteen. Now, I have a son almost old enough

  • You Truly are Just Plain Awesome!0

    When Jim Webb asked me if I would write for the Weekly, I said no. I’m not a public person. I tend to be shy, and I prefer flying under the radar. Writing for Webb would put my thoughts in the public square and open them to misinterpretation and uninvited criticism. I just didn’t want