
Latest Issue

  • Save Room for Dessert0

    What is your most favorite dessert? Pies, cakes, cookies, puddings, icecream, pastries cheesecakes? There are so many to choose from. Before I had my daughter, Kenzy, I could pass up most sweets. I didn’t crave them much. I crave more salty than sweet. You give me a bag of Middlesworth BBQ chips and I can’t

  • You Are a Masterpiece0

    For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT A Masterpiece? Really? Receiving Scriptural truth isn’t always easy. We sometimes find ourselves arguing with God—and this is one of those times. Let’s be honest, most

  • The World Needs Servant Leaders0

    With politics bombarding the public through all forms of media, it is sometimes important to discuss different leadership styles and what leaders should and should not be. Leadership should be about benefitting the group as a whole and raising the standard of living for all. One such leadership style is Servant Leadership. The term, “Servant

  • Adaptive Bikes and Equipment for Children With Special Needs0

    BLaST IU #17, of Williamsport, and Variety, of Pittsburgh, have teamed up to offer adaptive bikes, strollers, and communication equipment to qualifying children with special needs. Their goal is to provide 1,000 eligible children with FREE adaptive equipment through Variety’s My Bike, My Stroller, and My Voice programs. Back in January 2019, Mr. Charlie LaValle,

  • Helping Hands

    Helping Hands0

    Man, the flu has sure hit our area, hasn’t it? It seems everyone you talk to is sick or was sick. I think we try to prepare ourselves to be ready, but this stuff seems to be lasting for a week or longer! Who’s ready for spring? My hand is raised high in the air!

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The End of Something Wonderful” by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic, illustrated by George Ermos

    The Bookworm Sez: “The End of Something Wonderful” by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic, illustrated by George Ermos0

    You’re really going to miss your little pet. He hasn’t been feeling well lately, and you know that the worst thing is coming soon. You’re not sure how you’ll act and you’re not sure what you’ll do when it happens, but in the new book “The End of Something Wonderful” by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic, illustrated

  • Mindfulness for Managing Your Emotions0

    Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to be aware of and effectively express their emotions and to understand and effectively respond to the emotions of others. Having a highly developed emotional intelligence is important for types of work that require a significant amount of human interaction and is critical for healthy relationships and personal mental

  • Integrity0

    For those of us who lead in the Church world, integrity is essential. We can talk all we want about the mission of God and church growth and global compassion and social justice, but unless we have integrity, we’re just blowing smoke. The word integrity means to be principled, functional, sound, whole, real, transparent and

  • What to Give Up For Lent0

    The season of Lent is upon us again, and with it comes the opportunity to reassess our goals and intentions for this unfolding year. Of course, that can be quite a tall order, and maybe you just want to take a more simplistic, traditional approach to Lent but aren’t sure where to start. Here are

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America” by Candacy Taylor0

    Your tickets have been purchased. Reservations were made in your name and all that’s left is packing. Yep, you’re heading out for the weekend, a week, a month, gone on the trip of a lifetime and as you’ll see in “Overground Railroad” by Candacy Taylor, it’s a trip your grandparents might’ve been denied. Ron was

  • Saturdays in the 80s0

    Saturday mornings when I was a kid were so memorable. I was about four, and my mom was a nurse and was working third shift some weekends. So, Dad would get him and I out and about so Mom could get a good day’s sleep. The weekends varied on what we would get into. We

  • Subscription Box Options0

    If you’re anything like me, you’re probably sick of all of your winter clothes by mid-February. Lately, I find myself wearing the same old boring turtleneck/jean/boot combo. While you may be feeling outfit fatigue as we edge toward spring, you may also be reluctant to go shopping for wardrobe updates. Who has the time to