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  • Summer Eatin’

    Summer Eatin’0

    Summer eatin’ is such a special treat. I love fall and winter foods for the coziness of a hot bowl of soup or comfort of a casserole. But summer, oh summer. As much as I hate the humidity, I look forward to the amazing foods during these months. Like picking strawberries and making some homemade

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Camp Girls: Fireside Lessons on Friendship, Courage, and Loyalty” by Iris Krasnow0

    Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t count all the stars in the sky. It’s a perfectly clear night to try, though. The campfire’s lit, and its crackly sound competes with tree frogs; conversation is soft, refreshments are cold, and you’re almost dry from a dip in the lake. This kind of evening is just

  • How To Clean Makeup Brushes0

    These days we are all (or at least should be) taking extra cleaning precautions, wiping down door handles and sanitizing frequently touched services. In the midst of your amped up cleaning, now is a good time to address your makeup brushes. I recently organized my cosmetics and took inventory of my makeup accessories, because what

  • Hope in a Season of Rain, Part Two0

    Early on in the pandemic shutdown, a box arrived at our house. The writing on the box made it obvious it had been sent from oversees. Our older son Reid is currently living in Hong Kong. For five years before moving to the island, he had lived on mainland China, so it certainly crossed our

  • Hydration is Essential for Staying Active this Summer0

    The Summer season takes place in June, July and August which are typically the three hottest months of the year. In addition to high temperatures, these months can also be some of the most humid. Adding this hot humid weather to long periods of outdoor activity can spell disaster. Dehydration, hyperthermia, hyponatremia, heat exhaustion, and

  • Father’s Day by The Book0

    I’ve always been a big fan of giving books as gifts because I personally enjoy reading, and I believe more people should be reading actual physical books. Usually, when browsing books for gift-giving, I lean towards novels or biographies. However, for Father’s Day this year, I may just mosey over to the “self-help” & “manuals/guides”

  • Summer of ‘980

    It was the summer of 1998, and my mom, brother, and I went down to South Carolina to go to Myrtle Beach with our whole Liddick family. It was always all my aunts, uncles, Gram, and cousins all in one big beach house for a week. It was kind of a tradition when we were

  • Quick & Easy0

    As a mom of two kids and a wife, it’s nice to have easy quick nights on these summer days. I mean I love to be in my kitchen, but you know what I also love? Being outside. On these beautiful 70-degree days that we have been getting, I have been having a hard time

  • Little White Dress0

    The color green symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility; all are apt descriptors of the hopes we have as we head into the green phase. And what a better time than summer to emerge from self-isolation, even if we are emerging 6 feet apart from each other. As we begin to return to work and

  • Hope in a Season of Rain0

    Well, it happened again. The last time I took a couple of weeks off from writing, a global pandemic hit. This time I took a couple of weeks off and our country erupted into civil unrest. If those events weren’t so catastrophic, the coincidence could be considered humorous. It’s not. It’s incredibly sad. We are

  • The Mighty Atom0

    I began my fitness and wellness career in 1993 to pay rent while I was going to school at Lock Haven University. My goal at the time was to pursue a career in academia as a professor of Exercise Physiology and personal training was simply a means to an end. At that time, it was

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Sisters Grimm” by Menna van Praag

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Sisters Grimm” by Menna van Praag0

    I had a dream last night that… And there’s how many stories, advertisements, and speeches start. You dreamed you could fly, that you went back to school, that you were naked and nobody noticed. Some say that dreams have messages for us, interpretations to heed, or lessons to be learned. In the new book “The