
Latest Issue

  • Pouring Out Grace in the Lose-Lose0

    For the past 22 weeks, everyone has been struggling to navigate the difficulties of the pandemic shutdown. Uncertainty has forced all of us into an extended season of decision-making where we must choose between options that are unattractive, painful, or even deadly. When all of your options are bad, it’s called a lose-lose proposition. For

  • Summer Hair Care0

    I’ve been letting my hair grow out recently. In summers past, I’d keep my hair relatively short in order to beat the heat. But even with salons reopening, I’ve made the conscious decision to put haircuts on hold and have unwittingly discovered that summer humidity has helped turn what I previously considered fine hair into

  • The Bookworm Sez: “I Don’t Want to Wash My Hands!” by Tony Ross

    The Bookworm Sez: “I Don’t Want to Wash My Hands!” by Tony Ross0

    Peas or beans? Carrots or corn? You’ve been outside all day and it was fun but now there’s dirt beneath your fingernails, maybe enough to grow a garden! You can’t have lunch with dirty hands, of course. Imagine the mess if you went to bed like that, ugh. You know you absolutely have to get

  • That Little Prayer

    That Little Prayer0

    Back when I was a little girl, I was so lucky to have a mom who made me amazing meals, baked warm cookies from scratch, and even poured love into our breakfasts. If we wanted eggs or toast, she made it. She loved pancakes, still does, so if you said pancakes, she would rub her

  • Gratitude


    The love and support shown to my Andrea’s Country Home Cookin column mean so much to me. You have sent me fan mail, messaged me on Facebook, or have seen me in person and have told me how much you enjoy reading my column. Last week, especially, got amazing feedback. The one about my grandfather

  • Brown Library Participates in Virtual ‘Big Library Read’ Digital Book Club0

    The James V. Brown Library is joining others libraries around the globe in encouraging patrons to read a historical fiction thriller e-book and audiobook during Big Library Read, the world’s largest digital book club. From August 3-17, readers can borrow and read Tim Mason’s “intellectually stimulating and viscerally exciting” The Darwin Affair from their public

  • Quarantine Skincare Routine0

    Personal appearance is just that, personal. With all the personal time we’ve had on our hands during the pandemic, we may be rethinking what appearance means when no one is there to see us. Of course, as salons and gyms have now re-opened, you may be starting to feel and look like your pre-quarantine self.

  • Helplessness and Divine Intervention0

    Have you ever felt helpless? Yeah, me too. It’s an awful feeling. A couple of months ago I was driving down Rt. 15 going through Lewisburg and a bad accident happened right in front of me. From my vantage point sitting high up in our church van, I could see the whole thing happening. I

  • Health Ministries Combine Spiritual and Physical Healing0

    Now, more than ever before, Americans are dying from largely lifestyle-related illnesses. These health issues may be prevented or better treated if they had been addressed earlier. So why, in a country that spends more on healthcare per capita than any other nation in the world, are such health issues on the rise? The answer

  • The Love for Italian Food

    The Love for Italian Food0

    I love Italian food. It has to be one of my favorites. There is nothing like a side salad and bread with an amazing pasta dish filled with meat. I loved Cloud 9, my husband and I went there every year for our anniversary. It was such a romantic setting. We loved going just at

  • Lightning and Thunder1

    We have reached the muggy stage of summer with long hot days, high humidity, and a daily chance of afternoon thunderstorms. I’m a big fan of thunderstorms. I very much enjoy sitting on the back deck, watching a good storm build, and then rolling through. The natural phenomena of lightning and thunder is a breath-taking

  • How to Fight Weight Gain During a Pandemic0

    Many people in recent months have had some amount of weight gain related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This weight gain is sometimes referred to as the “Quarantine 15”. For most people, the pandemic has interrupted eating and exercise patterns, making the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle more difficult. Specific challenges may include stress eating, having