
Latest Issue

  • Strength History: The Zurkhaneh0

    Anyone that has read many of my articles knows that I am a huge fan of strength training history and the modernization of ancient training methods. Not only do I find researching these methods interesting, but it is also a fun way exercise and to gain an understanding of how people of other cultures and

  • Be Salty0

    The Sermon on the Mount is found in Matthew 5 – 7. Just before delivering this extraordinary Sermon, Jesus was baptized by John and then spent forty days fasting in the wilderness. He emerges from the wilderness and launches His public ministry by performing amazing miracles of healing and declaring, “Repent, for the Kingdom of

  • Spillin’ the Beans

    Spillin’ the Beans0

    Ahhhhh September. Beautiful September. The crisp air it brings and the change of nature that is about to start is exciting. The “BER” months are my favorite, guys. Seriously. I was made for September, October, November and December. Does anyone else feel like if they blink, before we know it Christmas is here!? It’s crazy!

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Sisters Grimm” by Menna van Praag

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Sisters Grimm” by Menna van Praag0

    I had a dream last night that… And there’s how many stories, advertisements, and speeches start. You dreamed you could fly, that you went back to school, that you were naked and nobody noticed. Some say that dreams have messages for us, interpretations to heed, or lessons to be learned. In the new book “The

  • How to Dress for a Warm Fall0

    The heat just won’t quit, and it’s almost Labor Day! Usually, around this time of year, I would start transitioning my closet from summer clothes to fall apparel. Fall is similar to spring in that it starts very differently than how it ends. On day one, it feels like the height of summer, and by

  • Tips for Planting Fall Vegetables0

    Tending to backyard vegetable gardens can fill many hours of enjoyable downtime in the great outdoors. What’s more, the bounty produced by such gardens provides healthy, fresh foods to gardeners and their loved ones. Although spring and summer are widely seen as the peak of gardening season, the mild temperatures of autumn can be a

  • Understanding the Importance of Sleep0

    According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, sleep is an important part of a person’s daily routine and is essential for many things including health, learning, and mood. Considering that the average person spends approximately a third of their lives sleeping, it stands to reason that sleep is as essential to living

  • Fall 2020 Trends0

    In normal years, as summer comes to an end, I’d be all sorts of excited for the new season’s trends, writing up my shopping list of must-haves for the upcoming fall/winter. However, in the “new normal” we find ourselves living with, things like fashion and trends have been put into a more flippant light than

  • It’s the Little Things

    It’s the Little Things0

    Last Sunday we spent the day on the river with friends. It was a beautiful day. Not too hot, just perfect. Water felt like bath water. Our Sundays are so different from winter Sundays, but two things stay the same. Morning traditions and evening traditions. We always go to church on Sundays, no matter what

  • Keep Digging0

    What have you lost in the past five months? I don’t know the specifics of your answer to that question, but I do know this: you have lost a lot. We all have. Jesus told us we would have trouble in this world, so God designed us with the ability to cope with loss. It

  • Weirdo or Creative Genius?0

    When we think of the word weird, we often think of something that is strange and different, and it often has a negative connotation. When a person is called weird, it is usually meant as an insult. It highlights a person’s difference from the rest of the tribe and, though standing out is something that

  • Potato or Pasta?

    Potato or Pasta?0

    Ahhh, starchy foods. Got to love them. How can’t you? The carb filled treats you could live off of. I don’t even know which is my favorite. That warm bread that a waitress sits down in front of you at a good Italian restaurant? You know, the ones that make it from scratch and it