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  • Commonwealth Charter Academy Girl Scout Earns Prestigious Gold Award for Homeless Shelter Upgrades

    Commonwealth Charter Academy Girl Scout Earns Prestigious Gold Award for Homeless Shelter Upgrades0

    Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania is honored to announce Brylea Starr, from Lycoming County, has earned the Girl Scout Gold Award and is now part of the 2025 Gold Award class. The Gold Award is the greatest achievement a Girl Scout can earn. It is available to high school Girl Scouts who tackle

  • The Sandwich Technique0

    No, this isn’t a guide for how to craft the perfect lunch, but instead, a method for building outfits in much the same way you think about building a sandwich. The sandwich technique is simply matching an element of your top half (a top or jacket) to an element of your bottom half (pants, a

  • Nourish Family Connections with Every Bite0

    Boost social, emotional and physical health with egg-inspired recipes Dine together, shine together. Weekly sit-down meals with family can reduce stress, boost self-esteem and make everyone feel more connected — all while sharing delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare food. Give your family the opportunity to refuel and reconnect each week with recipes that bring everyone together.

  • Apple Season

    Apple Season0

    When fall rolls around, we all look forward to our seasonal favorites. Some people are pumpkin people. Some people are apple people. And some people are like, forget both of them, and would rather have a pina colada while wishing summer would stay forever. I’m thankful to live in Pennsylvania and have seasons. Watching the

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Rising: The Twenty-Year Battle to Rebuild the World Trade Center” by Larry Silverstein

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Rising: The Twenty-Year Battle to Rebuild the World Trade Center” by Larry Silverstein0

    If it was easy, everybody’d be doing it. But it’s not, so you’re on your own. Think of it as a challenge. Seriously, you’ve never known a roadblock you couldn’t go around, no fence you couldn’t climb, no chasm you couldn’t jump. It’s true that nothing’s ever as easy as it could be, but as

  • Local Strongman Inspires at Special Olympics, Takes 2nd at PA Strongest Man0

    Local Strongman Adam Grimes is not only an inspiration to strength athletes in Pennsylvania but also got a chance to motivate Special Olympians in New York earlier this year. In April, Grimes received an invitation from Mike Murray, Director of Powerlifting for the New York State Special Olympics, to put on a special strength presentation

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Bite: An Incisive History of Teeth, from Hagfish to Humans” by Bill Schutt

    The Bookworm Sez: “Bite: An Incisive History of Teeth, from Hagfish to Humans” by Bill Schutt0

    Let’s see those pearly-whites. C’mon, smile big for everybody. Show those straight dazzling teeth, You know you’re not completely dressed without it, so give us that grin. Let’s see some chompers ear-to-ear or, as in the new book “Bite” by Bill Schutt, in rows along the nose. We humans share a lot of features with

  • Bonnie & Clyde

    Bonnie & Clyde0

    Well, it’s officially October. Spooky season is here! When I was a little girl, I’ll never forget the jack o’ lantern pumpkin that hung in my window during Halloween. A round, flat pumpkin face that hung flat against my window and lit brightly on fall nights. He greeted people driving by on Roosevelt Ave. The

  • How to Style Flared Jeans0

    If you identify as a denim lover, like I do, then fall is the perfect time of year to acquire and experiment with new jeans. Various denim silhouettes are constantly cycling in and out of style. The changing season is an ideal time for a denim refresh or, in the case of flared jeans —

  • 13th Annual Pay It Forward Event Helps Those in Need0

    As a parent of five, I can confidently say that those early years put quite a financial squeeze on parents. Children’s clothes and shoes are expensive. Add to that those things needed for infants, such as highchairs, cribs, bouncers, and other things, and it is almost impossible for a young family to make ends meet.

  • Intensified Vulnerability0

    A vulnerability is defined as a weakness or fascination that opens the strong to attack or the wise to poor decision-making. Let’s take a closer look. Note: This article is part of a series called Two Roads. Previous articles are always available at We all have vulnerabilities. When it comes to eating healthy, my

  • Nobel Peace Nominee to Speak in Williamsport0

    According to FBI statistics, violent crime is down approximately 6%, which is an encouraging trend. However, we still have a long way to go. In 2023, there were 22.5 violent crimes per 1,000 people aged 12 or older in the United States. Questions many of us would ask are “Where, specifically, does violence originate?” and