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  • Preparing for Kindergarten0

    Like most parents, I’m excited, anxious, exhausted, and amazed that my first-born child is about to start kindergarten. She already attends a full-day preschool, so I’m confident she’ll do well in a classroom setting. However, I am stressed about what her teacher is like, what supplies she’ll need, whether lunch is provided, if she’ll even

  • Skorts0

    It shouldn’t be surprising that athletic gear is becoming more prevalent in day-to-day dressing. I think any year with a summer Olympics sees an uptick in sporty apparel. This summer, with in-person learning on the horizon, folks going back to their offices, and all of us realizing we put on some pandemic pounds, sports gear

  • Why Men Need to Moisturize0

    Have you ever had a good pair of leather shoes? Have you ever gone a few months (or years) without conditioning or polishing them as you continue to wear them every day? How did they look? Well, consider your skin like leather. If skin is not taken care of over time, cracks, deep crevices, and

  • How to Exfoliate Your Face0

    As the seasons change, so, too, should skincare routines. Once the weather reaches warmer temperatures in the summer months, most people will experience a shift in their skin — from extensive dehydration or dry patches to excessive amounts of oils caused by sweat. There are countless reasons for this, ranging from the added humidity in

  • What to Wear to an Amusement Park0

    Summer is in full gear, and as things start opening up, you may be planning a trip to an amusement park! Spending a day or two at a theme park is not for the faint of heart, and comfort is a definite priority. Whether just for the day or a week-long vacation, there’s not much

  • Mom Style0

    My style has definitely taken a hit since becoming a mom — as it does for most women when they have a family. I’m not suggesting that moms are dowdy or unkempt, but they usually aren’t as fashionable as non-moms, which is to be expected since style gets knocked down a few rungs on the


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