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  • Non-Aging Style Tricks for Winter0

    As a 40-year-old woman, I’d be lying if I said that dressing to look a bit more youthful isn’t something I think about on occasion. Particularly in winter when bulky layers and dark colors tend to be aging. Luckily, I’ve had 40 years to develop some anti-aging skills in the clothing department. With winter upon

  • Flannel Fashion Tips

    Flannel Fashion Tips0

    Flannel season is upon us! I have to admit, when I think of flannels, I immediately think of the ones I wore as a teenager in the 90s when grunge became a popular style. Since then, I’ve usually saved flannel shirts for outdoorsy activities like hiking. However, this fall, I’m rethinking this quintessential cold-weather fabric

  • A Cozy Thanksgiving0

    This Thanksgiving will be the first year since 2001 that my husband and I will not be traveling to Ohio to celebrate with his family. Instead, for the 4th Thursday of November, we’ll be staying home and preparing a simpler meal. We are disappointed, but there are advantages to a lower key holiday. No long

  • Turtleneck Time

    Turtleneck Time0

    We’ve all heard of sweater weather when the temperatures drop, and the air turns crisp, requiring the addition of a cozy knit layer to your everyday wear. Well, November is also the start of turtleneck time! When it comes to finding a balance between chic and cozy, nothing beats a turtleneck. This versatile basic is

  • Style File: Cabincore0

    First, the fashion world was swept by normcore, then menocore; this past summer, fashionistas, and influencers were all atwitter with cottagecore. Now that we are well into fall, the next big trend is cabincore! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s fine; this mostly pertains to millennials. But what’s interesting is that

  • A Very Different Halloween0

    With the convergence of a full moon, a blue moon, daylight savings time, and, you know, the ongoing unprecedented pandemic, Halloween in 2020 is going to look and feel a bit different than in years past. Some communities are having trick-or-treating; others are still not certain. Halloween parades, costume parties, dances, and most certainly apple


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