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  • Local Strongman Inspires at Special Olympics, Takes 2nd at PA Strongest Man0

    Local Strongman Adam Grimes is not only an inspiration to strength athletes in Pennsylvania but also got a chance to motivate Special Olympians in New York earlier this year. In April, Grimes received an invitation from Mike Murray, Director of Powerlifting for the New York State Special Olympics, to put on a special strength presentation

  • 13th Annual Pay It Forward Event Helps Those in Need0

    As a parent of five, I can confidently say that those early years put quite a financial squeeze on parents. Children’s clothes and shoes are expensive. Add to that those things needed for infants, such as highchairs, cribs, bouncers, and other things, and it is almost impossible for a young family to make ends meet.

  • Nobel Peace Nominee to Speak in Williamsport0

    According to FBI statistics, violent crime is down approximately 6%, which is an encouraging trend. However, we still have a long way to go. In 2023, there were 22.5 violent crimes per 1,000 people aged 12 or older in the United States. Questions many of us would ask are “Where, specifically, does violence originate?” and

  • American Rescue Workers: Celebrate 90 Years of Service

    American Rescue Workers: Celebrate 90 Years of Service0

    The American Rescue Workers (ARW), a fixture in Lycoming County, is celebrating 90 years of operation this year and will be having a get-together on September 19th, from 2-6 p.m. at their Elmira St. location. Founded in 1934 by the Rev. William Morehart, the ARW has helped hundreds of thousands of Lycoming County’s neediest. According

  • Lycoming-Clinton System of Care Empowers Children and Families0

    One has simply to turn on the TV or look at their phone to see that the world is crazier than ever, and children seem to be getting the worst of it. It’s harder than ever just to be a kid, and the mounting challenges of living in these times can take a toll on

  • 46th Annual Crop Walk to Fight Hunger0

    No one should ever have to go hungry, but the reality is that not everyone has the same access to nutritious food. According to the Department of Human Services, approximately 1.7 million people suffer from food insecurity on a daily basis in Pennsylvania. Those most in need of resources, often people living in rural areas,


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