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  • Little Victories for Long-Term Results0

    Happy belated Quitters Day! No, really, it’s a thing. Traditionally, Quitters Day is held on the second Friday of the year. This year, it fell on January 10th. The day was designated to honor all of those people who, once again, set New Year’s resolutions only to give up shortly after beginning. Research has shown

  • Hats for Heat Charity Buys Fuel Oil for Needy0

    Winters in North Central PA can be cold, and this year has been even worse, with temperatures running below average. This means that already high heating bills have been, and will continue to be, even higher than normal. According to, the polar vortex that has been moving across Pennsylvania has been bringing colder air

  • Positive Changes for Rise Up Village Bakery0

    In a previous article, I had written about the great work that Marty and Wendy McCormick are doing in Williamsport. In case you missed it, the McCormicks are the founders of the Rise Up Village Bakery, which operates out of the New Covenant United Church of Christ in Williamsport and is a ministry of United

  • Sojourner Truth Ministries to Hold Fundraiser0

    Sojourner Truth Ministries, a Christian-faith nonprofit, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with lots of exciting events planned for the year. The two main goals of the event series are to make Lycoming County more aware of their different ministries and to raise financial resources to maintain and further their work. STM invites everyone to spread

  • Code Blue Shelter: Saving Lives and Warming Hearts0

    I know it’s winter, and yes, it’s supposed to be cold, but I still don’t like it. I’d rather be on a warm beach, and I am not ashamed to say it. I can also guess that the majority of my readers feel the same. To make matters worse, the forecast calls for even colder,

  • FREE Weight Loss Classes Offered To Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes0

    Well, we pretty much made it through the holidays, and while your Christmas tree will likely be up for a bit, like mine, things are starting to get back to normal. The kids are back at school, and the presents are put away. Now, the only two things you have left are the outstanding credit


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